Quote Originally Posted by Tyval View Post
First question is on CC.
I have key binds so I can set each dps focus target, then one key that will do the CC (sheep, hex, banish). For this zone I was using 2 hexes and 2 banish.

I would get my focus targets, then run up and pull with the tank, run back (sometimes using line of sight to bring everyone in), then spam the cc skill a couple times as the mobs came in range (got around corner etc.)
This seemed to work okay but didn't seem super elegant, kind of messy at times, as the mobs would be CC'd and meandering around my team.

How do others do this?
For the CC I use a similar tactic. Get each slave's focus target before the pull. Then run up to the pack and CC or pull them back with the tank and cc when they get in range. You'll need to get used to it but for me it's already running smoothly.