Myself I'm using a system of the form

/focus toonx
/follow focus
/assist focus
/cast spell

The downside for shamans is, that when you are tanking and thus often tabbing through mobs to keep aggro, the shammies fire on the target of the tank. Obviously when flame shock is on the previous mob, you don't want your lava burst to go off on another mob, as you'll lose the crit.

So you either wait till Lava Burst went off to tab through another mob, or you got with sticky targeting. The first way requires some more micro management though (cause of differences in haste level, procs, etc).Now with current gear and dps, 9/10 mobs in heroics are getting 1 shot, so it's not really an issue. But for farming ICC trash, or running with an undergeared toon, I definitely see the win that your dps stay on the same target.

However what I'm unsure about is this: sometimes an add shows up in combat that needs to go down asap (for example the skeletons on dreamwalker). There it looks like a disadvantage to have sticky targeting. Or I miss something here?

Hence my questions:

- is anyone still using sticky targeting and why?
- an idea about the dps gain compared to a focus / assist based system on the average dungeon
- how do you switch mobs when a higher priority mob pops up? I.e. is there some fallback system or do you run both an assist & sticky targeting based system together (and thus having 2 different dps buttons)?

Any insight appreciated