I'm going to stop boxing come Cata. It just doesn't interest me anymore and I cant help but feel required to spend time with every character I have at max level. I hate the job feeling so I'm going to level one character to 85 and max everything i can on them (raids, profs, achieves, etc).

With that in mind I want my character to be very desireable for PuG raiding and fast queue's. That reduces it down to healer or tank capable class:

Paladin: Ret/Healer, Healer/Tank or Tank/Ret
Priest: Disc/Spriest, Holy/Spriest (disc/holy doesnt make much sense)
Druid: Resto/Cat, Resto/Tank, or Tank/Cat
Shaman: Healer/Ele, Healer, Enh
DK: tank/dps
Warrior: tank/dps

I'm leaning to Paladin healer/tank, but I'm always open to suggestion. I would like to keep my priest since he has most achieves (and kingslayer), but I figure that can be done with a PuG raid after everyone hits 85 and be even easier than it is now.