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  1. #1

    Default If you were to switch to one character....

    I'm going to stop boxing come Cata. It just doesn't interest me anymore and I cant help but feel required to spend time with every character I have at max level. I hate the job feeling so I'm going to level one character to 85 and max everything i can on them (raids, profs, achieves, etc).

    With that in mind I want my character to be very desireable for PuG raiding and fast queue's. That reduces it down to healer or tank capable class:

    Paladin: Ret/Healer, Healer/Tank or Tank/Ret
    Priest: Disc/Spriest, Holy/Spriest (disc/holy doesnt make much sense)
    Druid: Resto/Cat, Resto/Tank, or Tank/Cat
    Shaman: Healer/Ele, Healer, Enh
    DK: tank/dps
    Warrior: tank/dps

    I'm leaning to Paladin healer/tank, but I'm always open to suggestion. I would like to keep my priest since he has most achieves (and kingslayer), but I figure that can be done with a PuG raid after everyone hits 85 and be even easier than it is now.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Multibocks View Post
    I'm leaning to Paladin healer/tank, but I'm always open to suggestion.
    I would do this or a Druid healer/tank....but that is just my opinion and the classes i like to play more are healer and tank.

  3. #3


    DK or Mage for sure.

    In fact I'm doing this myself.
    Last edited by Shodokan : 09-11-2010 at 10:31 PM
    The Internet: We Know Drama
    If you're gona screw with my sig at least leave the thing bolded :P

  4. #4


    Problem with Mage: DPS spots always fill first. My healer always gets accepted to a raid and my tanks dont have too much trouble. If I want to bring a dps it's always: "Do you have XXXXgs and Y/Y achieve?" And usually the gs is ridiculously high, like 6k for icc10.

    Questions for healers and tanks is usually, "Do you not suck?"

    I think by combining healer and tank you pretty much guarantee having a spot in a raid. I don't mind healing or tanking either. I find healing fun as long as it's not ridiculous raid damage where I feel like I can't even glance away from Grid.

    I think it is going to be Paladin and Tank/Healer, but I just wanted to hear some ideas. Also a side note: Paladins enjoy getting all their gear (Holy) to themselves and it seems are always hard to find for my PuG raids.
    Last edited by Multibocks : 09-11-2010 at 10:41 PM

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Multibocks View Post
    Problem with Mage: DPS spots always fill first. My healer always gets accepted to a raid and my tanks dont have too much trouble. If I want to bring a dps it's always: "Do you have XXXXgs and Y/Y achieve?" And usually the gs is ridiculously high, like 6k for icc10.

    Questions for healers and tanks is usually, "Do you not suck?"

    I think by combining healer and tank you pretty much guarantee having a spot in a raid. I don't mind healing or tanking either. I find healing fun as long as it's not ridiculous raid damage where I feel like I can't even glance away from Grid.

    I think it is going to be Paladin and Tank/Healer, but I just wanted to hear some ideas. Also a side note: Paladins enjoy getting all their gear (Holy) to themselves and it seems are always hard to find for my PuG raids.
    Paladin can always go ret if you get bored of one spec.
    The Internet: We Know Drama
    If you're gona screw with my sig at least leave the thing bolded :P

  6. #6


    Yeah I figured it would be either Paladin or Druid, since they are so versatile. Thanks for input everyone.

  7. #7


    i think i might only solo play Cata for a little while (couple months) and pretty much asked myself the same question.
    To me the answer was quasi-immediate: i'll solo play my Paladin because:
    - it can fill any role well
    - it will probably level prot anyway, and fast groups is great
    - it's the one i currently have done most achievements on/focused most on
    - last but not least: When I come back to boxing cata (you know you will) i'll have a geared tank to boost my other toons. And god knows how everything gets easier when the tank is well geared.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Zub View Post
    i think i might only solo play Cata for a little while (couple months) and pretty much asked myself the same question.
    To me the answer was quasi-immediate: i'll solo play my Paladin because:
    - it can fill any role well
    - it will probably level prot anyway, and fast groups is great
    - it's the one i currently have done most achievements on/focused most on
    - last but not least: When I come back to boxing cata (you know you will) i'll have a geared tank to boost my other toons. And god knows how everything gets easier when the tank is well geared.

    I'm doing the same thing here as Zub. Pally has always been my favorite class and since they're still gonna be good for tanking in Cata, I'll work more on him. So far I haven't run ICC or any 10s yet, but he's the best geared toon I have. Atleast once I start back up boxing, my dps/healer won't pull aggro so easily. Hopefully Holy Pally will be better at group heals too so I can stick with my all pally team. Druid is second best imo for another candidate since they can fill out every role. Respecing would be a pain tho.

  9. #9


    All good points!

  10. #10



    Otherwise, If you have to have versatility then I would for sure go druid. You can play all roles caster,tank,melee and healer.
    Last edited by Fat Tire : 09-12-2010 at 01:11 AM

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