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Thread: /click in Beta

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  1. #1

    Default /click in Beta

    So i tested /click in beta for the last hour or so. /click is still not working even though they turned on addons and the ability to use 3rd party programs. this is not a "sky is falling" post, It is information to discuss. If any other beta testers find a way to make /click work, please fill us in. And yes, MAYBE its just still buggy or broke and not intentional.
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  2. #2


    We can certainly live without /click working, as logn as we can still use addons that provide expanded macro space. It is completely a viable alternative to cram your set of click macros into one big macro.

    The important part is whether commas in macros work the way they do now, so that each cast sequence progresses concurrently forward one step for each comma for each run of the macro for each castsequence and that the fallthrough effect still works.

    have you tried putting your click macros into one large macro (via macaroon and the like) and seeing if it works as expected?

  3. #3


    Whoever Heiner * Mekkatorque (EU) is, you're not doing us any favors.

    I can't get into beta atm. But we need to get a well constructed post of someone's macro that works on live, copy it over to beta, and explain in great detail what is going on. And not reply when they get trolled.

  4. #4


    i just seems like the commas are whats not working. If i do /castsequence Spell,,,,,,,,,,, i just hits the spell and waits for it to come off cool down. If i add "null" it will go to the next macro. I tired adding a reset timer, hopeing that even though ?null" was there.. it would reset in time to cast it. ( example /castsequence reset=16 flame Shock,null ), but it does not reset. It seem that one comma or 1000 commas do the same thing, they just separate one spell/ability from the next. So you can do a normal /castsequence spell,spell,spell but the commas are not letting the /click to progress like they do now.
    Last edited by Lyonheart : 09-02-2010 at 11:40 AM
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  5. #5


    Last edited by Lyonheart : 09-02-2010 at 11:49 AM
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  6. #6


    never mind what? Is it working, or did you goof something up lol.
    Orbzz, Orbzm, Orbzem,Iceorbs SHM - Lvl 80 Hyjal PvE
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Svpernova09 View Post
    Whoever Heiner * Mekkatorque (EU) is, you're not doing us any favors.

    I can't get into beta atm. But we need to get a well constructed post of someone's macro that works on live, copy it over to beta, and explain in great detail what is going on. And not reply when they get trolled.
    Well, thats me. Very sorry for that bad posting.

    And yes, the thread derailed. I really should not try to talk to trolls about the topic.

    Well, i would like to do a better posting than the one i did.

    I would like to write the following, and would appreciate any feedback:

    --- snip

    My first posting about /castsequence possibly wasnt what it should have been. So i am going to try to explain, what problem i got in cataclysm beta, with detailed examples of code, and how it works on life.

    General description of the problem

    The castsequence-Command allows the macro-user, as the command is named, to cast Spells in Sequence. An example:

    /castsequence Fireball,Frostbolt

    would first call Fireball, then Frostbolt on the next button press on the macro.

    I use castsequence macros to implement basic rotations of the damage dealers in my pve setup, and use a special treatment of castsequence to time casts correctly.

    This special treatment is by using comma seperated blank spellnames.

    As like:

    /castsequence Fireball, , ,Frostbolt

    An empty comma on live means, no spell will be casted and the next spell in the line will be adresses on the next key press.

    So if i push the button first, it will call Fireball. If i push it a second time, it will cast nothing and continue to the next comma. The next pressed buttons will also do nothing, the third will finally cast Frostbolt. Then, the sequence starts from the beginning again.

    This allows me to time Rotations correctly by using one single button.


    /castsequence Vampiric Touch , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    /castsequence Mindblast , , ,
    /cast Smite

    If i press the button the first time, it will cast Vampiric Touch.

    If i press the button second on live, Mindblast is being casted.

    If i push it a third time, Smite is being casted.

    After another two key presses, Mindblast is being casted again.

    And after another 10 key presses, Vampiric Touch is being casted again.

    During those 10 key presses, smite is being casted.

    This allows me to keep up Vampiric Touch, and to cast mindblast on cooldown and to cast smite whenever none of the other spells is being casted.

    This allows me to play the tank and the healer, and to setup damage rotations on the dds by using this kinds of castsequence-macros.

    How it works on Cataclysm

    If i use a macro as like:

    /castsequence Fireball,,,,,,,Frostbolt

    .. Fireball gets casted on the first press, and the following commas get ignored, and Frostbolt is being casted.

    If i would try my example macro from above:

    /castsequence Vampiric Touch , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
    /castsequence Mindblast , , ,
    /cast Smite

    It would first cast Vampiric Touch, then Mindblast, then smite, and would wait for the cooldown of Vampiric Touch on the next press, without any way to cast Mindblast or Smite in the meantime.

    Thanks for reading

    -- snap

    I really appreciate every kind of feedback. Also considering the fact my english isnt that good


    Edit: Saw Svpernova09 posted in the beta forum, adding my text to your thread.
    Edit2: Removed the "impact on multiboxing" line.
    Edit3: Please take a look on
    Last edited by wonz : 09-03-2010 at 10:30 AM

  8. #8


    Whenever you post ideas / comments about wow outside of this forum, refrain from saying that you are a multiboxer. It only gives you more trouble to make your point clear. In fact click & blank spells has nothing to do with multiboxing. It allows for example people with a broken arm, 1 handers, ... to have a competitive single dps button on their mouse. It's useful under many circumstances, regardless from multiboxing.
    Everything that is fun in life is either bad for your health, immoral or illegal!

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by zenga View Post
    Whenever you post ideas / comments about wow outside of this forum, refrain from saying that you are a multiboxer.
    Thanks. Removed any link to multiboxing on my posting.

    Edit: Removed my concern
    Last edited by wonz : 09-03-2010 at 10:27 AM

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by wonz View Post
    Thanks. Removed any link to multiboxing on my posting.

    Edit: Removed my concern
    Yep, we just need to keep that thread on the first page of the cata forums to see if we can get a response on it.

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