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  1. #1

    Post Pre-Cata Goals - Blog edition

    Hi all

    Basically, following that other post about the pre-cata goals, i thought i'd put my progress here for everyone to see and comment/advise
    As stated in the other psot, my current goal for Cata is:
    Quote Originally Posted by Zub View Post
    1. 100,000g across all toons (currently about 15,000g)
    2. Average iLevel of my main team to 220 (currently 216, 4 toons at 209-214, and one at 238)
    3. Glory of the Hero on all the main team
    4. epic flying on my main team (got 3 done, 2 left to get)
    [edit :deprecated] 5. second team (undecided atm, 4x mage or 3x mage + 1x priest ) to hit northrend (currently at level 60)
    This is assuming Cataclysm hits mid November, and considering that my second child will be born end of september (which will obviously throw all goals around lol)
    new goal #5: getting my professions to 450

    Here are the teams i'm referring to:

    i think i might be stretching my self a bit (particularly for goal #1) but we'll see how we go :-)

    ================================================== =======================
    Goal 1: Having 100K gold in the bank.
    ================================================== =======================
    I now have about 20k, but am spending a fair bit in repairs doing the Glory achievements (~150-200g per night) and the time spent there prevents me from making money with dailies or other easier instances.
    I guess i'll have to complete goal #3 before i can reasonably work on this one.

    I have posted a level 60 toon at both the Kazzak and DoomWalker spawn places, and plan on putting one where azuregos wanders.
    I have a friend tanking Mag for me, so might be able to pull a few hundred gold here and there.
    My bank currently have some mats to sell, but nothing that is of great value. mainly frostweave and meat/food, and some stacks of herbs (which i keep to eventualy finish levelling my alchemist)

    Should i get my alchemists to 450 asap to do transmutes? one is at 404 the other at 376.

    ================================================== =======================
    Goal 2: Average iLevel of my main team at 220 - COMPLETE !
    ================================================== =======================
    Current Average iLevel per toon:
      - Soap    (Protection Paladin)   223.8
      - Cixi    (Holy Priest)          221.8
      - Frizza  (Frost Mage)           221.5
      - Ghør    (Balance Druid)        226.1
      - Ghur    (Elemental Shaman)     240.7
    Current Average of the team: 226.8
    This should increase little by little as i do heroics and upgrade to iLvl 200 the last few blues i have, and to emblem items when i have enough triumphs.
    Once this goal is achieved i'll move my triumphs and frost towards gold worthy items.

    ================================================== =======================
    Goal 3: Glory of the Hero on the main team COMPLETE!
    ================================================== =======================
    Here's the updated status:
                                                        Soap   Cixi  Frizza  Ghør   Ghur
    On The Rocks                   Utgarde Keep          X      X      X      X      X
    Split Personality              Nexus                 X      X      X      X      X
    Intense Cold                   Nexus                 X      X      X      X      X
    Chaos Theory                   Nexus                 X      X      X      X      X
    Watch Him Die                  Azjol-Nerub           X      X      X      X      X
    Hadronox Denied                Azjol-Nerub           X      X      X      X      X
    Gotta Go!                      Azjol-Nerub           X      X      X      X      X
    Volazj's Quick Demise          Old Kingdom           X      X      X      X      X
    Respect Your Elders            Old Kingdom           X      X      X      X      X
    Volunteer Work                 Old Kingdom           X      X      X      X      X
    Consumption Junction           Drak'Tharon           X      X      X      X      X
    Better Off Dred                Drak'Tharon           X      X      X      X      X
    Oh Novos!                      Drak'Tharon           X      X      X      X      X
    Defenseless                    Violet Hold           X      X      X      X      X
    Lockdown!                      Violet Hold           X      X      X      X      X
    Dehydration                    Violet Hold           X      X      X      X      X
    A Void Dance                   Violet Hold           X      X      X      X      X
    What the Eck?                  Gundrak               X      X      X      X      X
    Share The Love                 Gundrak               X      X      X      X      X
    Less-rabi                      Gundrak               X      X      X      X      X
    Snakes. Why Snakes?            Gundrak               X      X      X      X      X
    Good Grief                     Halls of Stone        X      X      X      X      X
    Brann Spankin' New             Halls of Stone        X      X      X      X      X
    Abuse the Ooze                 Halls of Stone        X      X      X      X      X
    Timely Death                   Halls of Lightning    X      X      X      X      X
    Lightning Struck               Halls of Lightning    X      X      X      X      X
    Shatter Resistant              Halls of Lightning    X      X      X      X      X
    The Culling of Time            Stratholme            X      X      X      X      X
    Zombiefest!                    Stratholme            X      X      X      X      X
    The Incredible Hulk            Utgarde Pinnacle      X      X      X      X      X
    Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi   Utgarde Pinnacle      X      X      X      X      X
    My Girl Loves to Skadi         Utgarde Pinnacle      X      X      X      X      X
    King's Bane                    Utgarde Pinnacle      X      X      X      X      X
    Experienced Drake Rider        Occulus               X      X      X      X      X
    Make It Count                  Occulus               X      X      X      X      X
    Ruby Void                      Occulus               X      X      X      X      X
    Emerald Void                   Occulus               X      X      X      X      X
    Amber Void                     Occulus               X      X      X      X      X
    Team Completed achievements: 38 / 38 Done!

    wiped many times on Watch him die last night, trying the zerg method (pull all), and the group by group (keeping elders alive) method.
    Zerging seemed to work better (got him to 9% hp) but my healer tends to drop quick when boss calls the little mobs.
    working on hand of Sacrifice macros and survivability macros.

    i'm concerned about Less rabi, i have respecced the shaman to have the 5second interupt and made macro to that effect, but haven't been able to sync the cast yet. i might macro the mage to counterspell as well, just in case
    Didn't realize boss was so close to back door, should be able to reset him next attempts.

    Brann Freekin' New scares me. I have trouble doing the event itself (let alone keep Brann unharmed). I always eventually succeed, but after many wipes, and somehow Brann always gets hit at least once or twice.
    Most disliked instance, but at least now i've done the other achieves and will be able to go direct to Brann.

    Occulus is also a concern, I have yet to kill the last boss while multiboxing. Haven't tried in a while now and gear has improved quite a bit, so will see how it goes. Make it count is going to be tough though.

    Just did Intense cold, indeed just leave toons that need it in another room, they will get the achievement.

    Volazj's Quick Demise i don't have the dps required to nuke him before insanity, and during insanity pretty much everyone dies except the one i control directly.
    did a couple try, and found that controlling my weakest toon helped a little (my priest)
    ended up killing Volazj with just the tank and the healer, in 8 minutes 17seconds >.<

    Just tried Share the love.. took me 4 times to get the correct tanks impaled (i off tank with my druid gone bear for the occasion) then it took 6 minutes to get everyone impaled - i checked the chat log soo many times - and then i finaly killed him.. and didn't get the achievement :-(
    pretty sure it's a big so i ticketed it... we'll see

    ================================================== =======================
    Goal 4: Epic Flying on main team - COMPLETE !
    ================================================== =======================
    this is pretty much an extension of Goal #1, as it's basically just getting another 10k gold (only need 2 more mounts)
    Hopeing to use the raf rockets in the meantime, as the two Raf referers have epic flying already.
    Then i'm hoping to use 5x red proto drakes from goal #3 :-)

    Paladin, Shaman, Druid done
    Priest now done,
    Mage Done (indeed Org rep made it cheaper when bought in Thrallmar)

    ================================================== =======================
    Goal 5: Up professions to 450
    ================================================== =======================
    using the WoW Team Portal Tooli realised my professions were a mess, I ditched a couple, took a couple new and am now trying to get them all to 450.
    - Mining
    - Herbalism x2 - done
    - Skinning - done
    - Alchemy
    - Inscription - done
    - Tailoring x2
    - Enchanting
    - Jewelcrafting

    this seems more important than my original team#2 goal.

    right, that's it for now, Thanks for reading.
    Feel free to comment, or even post your own goals below.
    I'll edit this message with updated data every day or so.

    Last edited by Zub : 09-17-2010 at 09:07 AM Reason: updated achievements

  2. #2


    I got Less-Rabi done and I'm also an Aussie. This was before I used lowerping and I used to have a 350ms - 400ms ping.

    I pretty much made a round robin windsheer macro that interrupted casting and bound it to mouse wheel up just for this fight.

    Essentially after interrupting the 50% transform I popped Fire Elementals and mashed my /click DPS key while scroling my mousewheel up.

    With this being my result:

    As for getting 100k in your guild bank it is not difficult. I dont do any dialies and I've stopped doing gdkp (raid with gold as the DKP) runs so all I am doing to make cash now is doing 1 instances sometimes 2 a day for my Frost Tokens and doing all my Wintergrasp quests ever week. With turning in the shards and Honor and Triumph badges for gems/honor I cut them all and resell them on the AH for pure profit.

    Once you build a nice big bank roll you can find people selling bulk gems for very cheap. Evne on my tiny server there are level 1's selling 400+ cardinal rubies for 70g each. I simple buy all their stock so none of my competiters can buy them and then flip them at cut gem prices - selling for 100g- 130g per gem.

    I think your goal of having your secondary 'alt' team ready for Northrend is a good idea. Rather than trying to commit to maxxing out both teams I just dont think there is enough time left

    Good luck with the Glory Of The Hero - I am going to start doing this myself also.

  3. #3


    Yes, yes, yes and YES!
    another self-grats thread, but boy i deserve it. /pats himself on the back.

    finally got Brann Spanking New
    Ended up with no toon alive, but dzoing! achievement.

    in the end i got my mage and boomkin on each side at the bottom of the stairs, the holy priest in the middle 5 yards behind, and the shamy another 5 yards behind.

    paladin in the front (top of stairs) gathering everything, mage and druid casting constant aoe on the stairs and shaman nuking from behind.

    at the '2min left!' mark i dropped everything i got, starting with the earth elemental at the back to gather everything i missed, the trees and mirror image, bloodlust, everything.
    a couple died from the fire lazer, healer died from agro and in the end Iwas left with the paly and a gazilion mob hitting her. Had to Lay on hands, but lasted long enough :-)
    Sooo glad that one's out of the way.

    Also did CoS, and got another drake (4th) so bought my healer her epic flying. 4 done, 1 to go.
    back to 15,000g tho.

    got to love this game for the little achievements
    Last edited by Zub : 08-26-2010 at 10:13 AM

  4. #4
    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Completely unrelated but I like your little tools and stuff at

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Toned View Post
    Completely unrelated but I like your little tools and stuff at
    Thanks! :-)

    On that note, you can specify your toonlist to have a light background, and it will show much better on
    i've put on hold WoW-rotations for now, as it's too much work for before Cata launches, and will be obsolete as soon as it launches.

    working (slowly) on something else, a team portal type thing, which should include team specifics (achieves, goals etc) and toon specifics (like gear etc)
    it will also include a better gear comparison list ( for example, replace "Nocturne" with your id. quite slow at the moment)

    @Sarai: grats and good luck !
    ours is planned for October 3rd. Little boy this time. his sister wil then be 2yo and awaits impatiently :-)

  6. #6
    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    Quote Originally Posted by Zub View Post
    Thanks! :-)

    On that note, you can specify your toonlist to have a light background, and it will show much better on
    i've put on hold WoW-rotations for now, as it's too much work for before Cata launches, and will be obsolete as soon as it launches.

    working (slowly) on something else, a team portal type thing, which should include team specifics (achieves, goals etc) and toon specifics (like gear etc)
    it will also include a better gear comparison list ( for example, replace "Nocturne" with your id. quite slow at the moment)

    @Sarai: grats and good luck !
    ours is planned for October 3rd. Little boy this time. his sister wil then be 2yo and awaits impatiently :-)
    Ya I was dicking around with the backgrounds I settled with the dark ><

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    SF Bay Area (East Bay)


    Hi Zub!
    Nice goals.

    For me, my second daughter is coming too, this one will be a Halloween girl. The last one was supposed to a Christmas eve girl, but she came three days early.

    I have 50K from questing and doing dailies. I am not going to do heroics, but going to spend these months on lvling the alts to 75 or higher for transmuting. Second team is at 67.5 now.

    I will take one month off work when she comes and will be on night shift with diapers and feeding, while the wife rests and sleeps. I can do some Cata lvling if the release is indeed in November.

    One whole month of playing, at night too, so there should be less competition with grinding to 85, yay!


  8. #8

  9. #9


    hey zub! looks like you got some clear cut goals and you're plugging along, but i'd like to offer up a little tip, GO FARM HELLFIRE REP, and get your flight training for like 4200 instead of 5k is will saves you sum goldz!

    get exalted(which is obscenely easy if you quested the zone and then farm some in the instances) which gives you cheaper costs from hellfire(thrallmar if you're horde) rep. Then buy the training there in thrallmar(or if you're alliance, i didnt check, forget the name of your town, honor hold?)

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by ghonosyph View Post
    hey zub! looks like you got some clear cut goals and you're plugging along, but i'd like to offer up a little tip, GO FARM HELLFIRE REP, and get your flight training for like 4200 instead of 5k is will saves you sum goldz!

    get exalted(which is obscenely easy if you quested the zone and then farm some in the instances) which gives you cheaper costs from hellfire(thrallmar if you're horde) rep. Then buy the training there in thrallmar(or if you're alliance, i didnt check, forget the name of your town, honor hold?)
    doh >.<
    bought a mount from dalaran yesterday for 5kg. stupid me.
    Thanks for the tip, i'll definitely do that for the last toon, he's almost revered.


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