So i'm all set for cata minus leveling just a little but that will be done over time. I've accomplished a lot in a short amount of time in my opinion so here is the spoils of all the hard work. Since i haven't done an update in a long time as far as my progress i figured i would go ahead and do so since it's basically done.

What i've done
5x 80 paladin
4x 80 shaman
5x 80 dk
4x 75 druids
3x 75 mages
4x 75 hunters
4x 75 warlocks
4x 75 rogues

450 professions
32 jc
32 alchemist
1 enchanter
1 miner

Whats left
Team of 4 warriors and a priest
Professions for them.

Any questions/comments/concerns go ahead and post them.