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    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
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    Salt Lake City, Utah

    Default New 4x/5x Ele Shams Start Here

    This was a thread that I started in the rated pvp section, but I think it is better suited here. Gives you a starting point with important key bindings / macros.

    -Seperate Binds for Key Totems-
    The totem sets are great, but they cost tons of mana. I have my totem set bound to numpad1, round robin tremor numpad2, all grounding numpad3, and cleansing numpad4. Also have a macro for round robin earthbind as needed. I drop the main totem set when I first get setup, or I am on the move to a new bunker down and wait for some one to slip location. Most games don't really last long enough to refresh anything but grounding totems, and with the totem stomping macro nerf your tremors are normally pretty safe. But you don't want to be caught off guard or not be prepared to refresh your totems as needed.

    -Rebind Tab Targeting for NearestEnemyPlayer-
    When you fight teams with treants, totems, pets, mirror images etc... You don't want to waste time tabbing through the mess. I normally click target off gladius for the initial target, but when im in the heat of battle doing target switches to catch their healers off guard I'll tab target.

    -Mass Hex Macros-

    This is a big one... it will bring a tear to your eye when you see 4 frogs pop out
    /cast [@arena1,nodead,exists] Hex
    /cast [@arena5,nodead,exists] Hex
    I have this macro on all of my shamans the top line i use arena1-4 so each shaman as their own target. The reason for the 2nd line is if anyone on their team is dead you will hex arena5. I usually don't hex out of the gate I go for the first kill in first 10-15sec of the initial combat. The mass hex is good for going defensive or stopping their heals from topping off your kill target. I play with a priest and if he fear bombs and they all trinket I hex. If I hex and they all trinket he'll fear bomb. Sets up a lot of momentum in your favor getting a full rotation off on a cc'd target.

    -Mass Purge Macros-
    /cast [@arena1,nodead,exists] Purge
    /cast [@arena5,nodead,exists] Purge
    Pretty much the same explaination as the hex macro. This is great for getting the other teams buffs off. They pop blood lust you tap this a few times and they no longer have blood lust Again Shamans 1-4 have @arena1-4 with @arena5 for if a target is dead.

    -Mass Wind Shear Macros-
    /cast [@arena1,nodead,exists] Wind Shear
    /cast [@arena5,nodead,exists] Wind Shear
    This macro is pretty situational I don't suggest mashing it if you see 1 healer casting. That's what focus shear macros are for or a shear rotation macro on your current target. This is very useful against multiple healer teams and teams that try to do channeled aoes to drop you.Again Shamans 1-4 have @arena1-4 with @arena5 for if a target is dead.

    -Mass Frost Shock Macros-
    /cast [@arena1,nodead,exists] Frost Shock
    /cast [@arena5,nodead,exists] Frost Shock
    This macro is very very very situational you may never need it. Vrs 4 melee comps the magma totem>firenova>chainheal style works for multiple melee on you. However, I find if I need to create some momentum, or give my healer + my chain heals a chance to top me off I will use this macro. Basically tap it to get their melee snared and then thunderstorm them away creates an extra second or 2 to top off or land a kill.

    For your current target
    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery
    /use 13 or 14 (this is if you have a spell power on use trinket)
    /cast Racial (troll/orc racials)
    /cast Elemental Mastery
    /use 10 (rocket gloves)
    /castsequence reset=target/6 Flame Shock, Lava Burst,Chain Lightning, Frost Shock
    #showtooltip Elemental Mastery
    /use 13 or 14 (this is if you have a spell power on use trinket)
    /cast Racial (troll/orc racials)
    /cast Elemental Mastery
    /use [@focus,nodead,exists] 10 (rocket gloves)
    /castsequence reset=target/6 [@focus,nodead,exists] Flame Shock, Lava Burst,Chain Lightning, Frost Shock
    -RoundRobin Thunderstorm-
    You're going to want to have a roundrobin setup for thunderstorm as well as an all thunderstorm macro. For the shamans that are not thunderstorming you want to have them purging/sheering an @arena target.

    Variations of this type of macro on each sham with the Thunderstorm sequence and Arena Target setup accordingly.
    /castsequence reset=30 ThunderStorm,,,
    /castsequence reset=6 [@arena1,nodead,exists] Wind Shear,Purge,Purge,
    - 2 Stage IWT (Interact With Target) Key -

    This button is great for after a fear to get all your chars facing the kill target and also works for fast facing when a melee is behind you. You need to make sure that you have CTM (Click to Move) enabled. I use Innerspace to do this, but I am sure if you are using something else the same can be achieved.

    KeyMap > IWT (Bound to F5 Press)
    /autointeract 1 > all (macroaction toggles CTM on)
    Ctrl+ T > all (Ctrl + T is my in game binding for IWT)

    KeyMap > StopIWT (Bound to F5 Release)
    /autointeract 0 > all (macroaction toggles CTM off)
    back > all (this is to stop your chars from moving)

    When I press and hold F5 my shamans turn and face their target and run towards it, and when I release F5 they take a step back to cancel the movement.


    Aso posted a nice list of addons: You want to keep your UI's clean and minimalist. With power auras and separate binds for pvp trinkets it is very easy to only pop trinkets on the needed chars instead of waisting all 4.

    Quote Originally Posted by asonimie View Post
    This is a work in progress and I'll work on it more when I get time after happy hour tonight, but I want a centralized place to list and discuss addons essential to our success in 5v5, and how best use them.

    My "Must Haves" from personal experience(I'll add better descriptions and addon links when I get back)

    TidyPlates + Cleanplates(dependant module): Default UI nameplates are so large, cumbersome, and numerous in 5v5 that I find them completely unbearable. When set up properly, this customization looks great and actually makes using nameplates a must in arena.

    : Use the default arena frames if you want, but I find their shape and usage of space worthless. Gladius with customized cooldown indicators can be very useful.

    Spell Alerter
    : "Raid Warning" style alerts for spells and abilities used by the enemy team. Customizable spell list makes this a boxers best friend.

    : Keeps track of your cooldowns with small ticking timer bars. The real advantage is the ability to flash a large, brief icon+name+sound warning anywhere on your screen when important "user selected" abilities are ready (grounding totem, strangulate etc)

    (or similar "enemy cast bars" addon): Old school addon that has completely customizable player, focus, target, channeling etc casting bars that work 100% of the time. If you don't know already - many addons that include a "cast warning" can FAIL very often in arena. Missing a priest rezzing because Gladius or spellalerter didn't pick up on it isn't acceptable. I have a very large focus castbar across the middle of my screen. I assign focus to remaining healers after I make kills, and I never miss them casting. Also useful for watching your focus casts and timing spell interrupts on them. I highly recommend this.

    : Really useful setup I use strictly for managing instant FOLs and cleansing on my DK / Ret team (although it can be used for much more than that). Free up 10+ keybinds and respond faster in combat by mouse healing / cleansing "healbot" style. Little bit of setup required, but very worth it.

    Customizable Unit Frames & Action bars
    : Success in 5v5 depends, in part, on your ability to maximize easy access to the useful information on your screen, minimize/hide useless crap, and keep the screen as open and uncluttered as possible(especially when playing all 5 toons). I prefer pitbull and macaroon (supreme customization potential but more complicated setup options).

    PowerAuras: ( Shows icons for existing buffs. Great for a visual reminder that Divine Sac has worn off.

    More to come. Feel free to add your favorites and I'll update the list.

    Style1one posted a pretty decent guide to power auras here:


    Glyph of Thunder
    Use: Reduces the cooldown on Thunderstorm by 10 sec.

    Glyph of Shocking
    Use: Reduces the global cooldown triggered by your shock spells to 1 sec.

    Glyph of Lava
    Use: Your Lava Burst spell gains an additional 10% of your spellpower.
    Last edited by Toned : 09-14-2010 at 05:03 PM

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