Just a quick question: of those of you that run survival hunters, are you seeing ezmode DPS on them? I ask because I've been playing my BM hunter for quite a while at 80 as my basic mining/farmer for normal stuff and as the one I use to help friends complete elite quests/lowbie instances. Long story short, he's at about 3300ish gearscore and it's a rare moment when he will break 1k DPS on the level 80 target dummies. Granted, the pet is doing 500 DPS so the total is OK for basically crafted blues/epics with a few quest greens/blues but I've never felt he was doing very well on DPS.

Segue to last night. My 2nd hunter just hit 74 and I bought dual-spec on him. Set him up with Survival and a minimal sting -->ES -->Aimed -->Steady -->ES -->Steady-->Steady macro and he is ALREADY breaking 1k DPS (pet only contributed about 100dps after that). And this doesn't even include any Lock n Load procs or AoE or Black Arrow.

Is this right? Is it really this stupidly easy to DPS as survival? For those of you who have run enough heroics to gear up a bit with your hunters, does this scale?

Just wondering if I'm seeing a blip or if it really is this easy. If so, I'll have to reconsider having shelved my hunter group. :P