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  1. #1


    Dang this is exactly what I want in Plexer. Will give him some time and see if it gets updated tho...

  2. #2
    Member Norrin's Avatar
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    Yeah I think Plexer will be following. He has been talking about adding similar features.
    I don't know the creator of Plexer personally, but he seems very dedicated to his product.

  3. #3
    Member Norrin's Avatar
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    In the middle of nowhere


    I just realized my documentation sucks. Actually there isn't any.
    I work on that.

    Anyway I wanted to share a few things that might help out.


    SHIFT+Left Arrow
    To toggle the Key Broadcasting

    SHIFT+Right Arrow
    To Toggle the Key Filtering. Not sure if anyone even cares about this. I like it though.

    Would you guys want an easy way to configure these hotkeys to what you want? I was thinking of adding a configuration screen to set these but not sure if anyone even really cares.

    Saving app window size and position:

    Add WOW (or what ever game your playing) to the app group.

    Launch the game (from MLB or from file system).

    Resize the application to your desired size. (I am not sure exactly how to turn off the aspect ration resizing that WOW on mac does. I am looking into that).

    Move the window to where you want it to open at.

    In MLB on the Application grid right click to bring the Popup menu up and select Set Dimensions. This will save the size and location for launching later on.

    Next time you launch the Application from MLB it will also resize and move it.

    Hope that helps a little.

    I will be creating a video tutorial things for the website shortly. However I have wasted about a month of my current RAF time, so I am going to be taking a little break and getting my first team to 60


  4. #4
    Member Norrin's Avatar
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    In my haste to get the initial app out, I do believe I made the Trial broadcast period 20 seconds, not 45 minutes. Goto to love debug code.

    Anyway, I figured 45 minutes probably wasn't enough time to probably evaluate it so I bumped it up to 2 hours.

    You can get the lastest demo at

    Also, next version will have Mac to Mac broadcasting. Its something I really could use.


  5. #5



    I've been using MLB for the last day or two and I like the trial. It's snappy. I'll even report a bug (when you add applications if you CMD+Click the applications you can overload the limit of 3 applications at once).

    Will you be adding anything for supporting layouts? I know the whole Mac/Osx WoW resizing stuff is pretty much a hell-hole, but I'd thought I'd ask.

    I'd really like to be able to switch my Master & Slave(s), and have the applications switch size and space.

    - V

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