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  1. #31


    The best way to kill them is too spam greater heal almost through the whole fight and dont forget to jump when they cast their disrupting spell. Maybe even use BL on them

    <<Grim Batol - EU>>

  2. #32


    I've used BL every time I've tried, I suppose greater heal might work better, but I don't have it bound to a key atm since I haven't needed it for anything else yet.
    I'm going to live forever, or die trying.
    5 Shaman Northrend Heroics - My YouTube Channel - Details about my setup (outdated)
    T2 Heroics: lvl 80 Heroics wearing lvl 60 armour
    Running 5-6 accounts on one computer, currently playing Horde on US-Skywall.
    My main teams:
    5x Shamans lvl 85
    5-class team lvl 100: Paladin, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Priest

  3. #33


    good work.. but im sorry!! how the hell can you play with that constant error noise from spamming your keys! there are ways to disable it.. i certainly would!! especially seeing your probably using the mouse wheel.. but if thats not the mouse wheel you must make your girlfriend very happy

  4. #34


    Hehe yes, I have since disabled it.
    And no, I do not use the mouse wheel, I spam regular keys. ...and you are right about the gf
    I'm going to live forever, or die trying.
    5 Shaman Northrend Heroics - My YouTube Channel - Details about my setup (outdated)
    T2 Heroics: lvl 80 Heroics wearing lvl 60 armour
    Running 5-6 accounts on one computer, currently playing Horde on US-Skywall.
    My main teams:
    5x Shamans lvl 85
    5-class team lvl 100: Paladin, Druid, Shaman, Mage, Priest

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