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Thread: Three Druids

  1. #1

    Default Three Druids

    So I played a Druid for three years and quitted some 2 years ago. Then I found Boxing and wanted to try it. I decided to take three Druids, because
    - Druid is versatile, three druids are both versatile and and powerful.
    - Three of the same class is easy to control.
    - In beginning it's not that complex.

    Now toons are on level 60. Plan is to gear one to tank, one to dps and one to healer for PvE. For PvP all Boomkins of course.

    Would be nice to hear comments and suggestions.

  2. #2


    Btw, I have raf for two accounts for more than two months left. Should I level some other classes up to 60 during that in case I get bored with Droods?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    In your other thread, you mention three or five boxing.
    I'd personally recommend you go with five, but three will work.
    Whichever you go with long term, its by far the easiest to build the group together.

    During RAF, I'd definitely get a lot of team options to 60th.
    Try to give yourself as many options down the road.
    It wouldn't hurt to have 2-3 caster/ranged types (Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Shaman, Warlock).
    And then some melee options (Death Knight, Druid, Paladin, Shaman, Rogue, Warrior) too.
    You might not play them all, but they'll let you build future teams much quicker.

    I'm playing:
    1x Prot Paladin + 4x Elem. Shaman.
    1x Feral/Boomkin Druid + 1x Disc Priest + 1x Destro Warlock + 1x Elem Shaman + 1x Frost Mage.
    1x Boomkin/Feral Druid + 1x Boomkin/Resto Druid + 3x Boomkin Druids.
    4x Affliction Warlocks + 1x Disc. Priest.

    I did not do Warlocks, during RAF, and leveling 1st to 60th is going to be a bit of a pain.
    But they are a fun composition, so I'll do it anyway.
    I've opted for being the "other" faction on these guys, so the quests will seem "new" and be less boring doing 1-80 without RAF.

    Also, did not do a melee team, which I'd like to try.
    I'm going for 4x Rogue and 1x Druid (Resto).
    Will be doing Worgren, when Cataclysm comes out, again to keep it kind of new.
    Another non-RAF team, which will take a longer time to level.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  4. #4


    Thanks for suggestions. I agree with getting more chars to 60 during RAF.

    It would just be sooo nice to get on testing 3-set boomkins in PvP. I see dreams about sneaking to Allybase and taking over towers and even last GY and then keeping them against single guards trying to protect base while others are serging south.

  5. #5


    We all had those dreams with boomkins. Sadly, unless there have been some recent changes (haven't played in about 2 months) currently boomkins are not great for multiboxing PvP compared to other options (shamans of course, but apparently pallys and DKs work very well together). Our owl friends lack the burst damage to really make their mark and they are too squishy when they try to heal.

    It was fun running 5 boomkins in AV and hiding in the hills during a big fight one shotting everything that came in range. However, unless you have the time to properly set up on some unsuspecting enemies, the moonkins just don't have the burst to work well together.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  6. #6


    I'm having tons of fun with 3 feral druids. Any of them can tank, and you can get a dungeon group in about 10 seconds most of the time. Plus if your main druid dies you can just shift the next one into bear form and pick up tanking.

    The triple stealth is also pretty awesome for PvP and it's funny spamming interact with target and having all 3 cats going berserk running circles around people.
    Jenzali - Troll Druid (Level 85) - Emerald Dream
    Soon to be joined by 4 other Druid buddies!

  7. #7


    I give you that, Owltoid, Druids have never been best burst damagers nor will never be. The only "burst" is Starfire starting from shadows and following with Moonfire and Wrath. If this doesn't work, I'm in the trouble...

    I just have had so much good time with my Druid in BG:s that I gotta give it a try. Must just hope that my three Druids work together better than random players at opposite faction. ;-)

    However I will not count solely on this one composition. As I was adviced, I have started to level a pally and mage coming and mage will be DK. Leveling toons is quite fun too.

    Just one question: What is the best 4-box PvP class. Shaman?

  8. #8


    In general, the is nearly always shaman. However, at least one poster on this site is having extreme success with 4 pallys + 1 DK (I know you asked about 4 boxing, but I'm guessing 3 pallys + 1 DK would be great in BGs)

    I agree, druids are fun. I used to blog about my times with druids and my love for treants. I'm hoping in the expansion that moonkins become a favored spec instead of resto or feral (not bloody likely, but one can dream). However, at least at my skill level which is not extremely high, druid teams are dead in arena and severly gimped, compared to other teams, in BGs.

    When starfall used to stun druid teams may have had a shot, but for some reason they considered that OP.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  9. #9


    ok well, i been boxing for long time now haven't really been what you'd call a "regular" on the dual boxing forum. but, I have 3 druids and 3 mages

    speaking from experience, it works ok..yeah its fun to stealth and jump people but its not as effective as teh shaman thing. I am sticking with my druids and mages and rerolling shamans during cataclysm. as cool as 5 accounts gonna stick with 3. can get in groups with 3 dps ok

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    I'm having a lot of fun with the 5x Druid team.
    Granted, this is PvE leveling at this point, and the team is intended for battlegrounds primarily.

    I suppose, I could trade focuses on teams.
    Have the druids, as my PvE/Heroic team, if the pvp does not work out well.
    And then take my Pally/Shammy team, as the team which focuses on pvp's.
    Or alternatively, see how 5x Feral goes in pvp, instead of 5x owl.

    Well, will concentrate on leveling them for now.
    And then give them a decent shot at battlegrounds, to see how it goes.
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

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