Tired of seeing him in the broham thread. So heres his thread now.

Phantom Blast - Inflicts 11,700 to 12,300 Shadow damage.Mirrored Soul - The Devourer of Souls mirrors the targets soul! A percentage of damage from the Devourer of Souls is being mirrored with you.

Well Of Souls -The Devourer of Souls leaps towards a target, slamming the ground creating a Well of Souls. Inflicts 2925 to 3075 Shadow Damage.

Unleashed Souls - The Devourer of Souls is releasing tormented souls periodically.

Wailing Souls- Lets loose Wailing Souls, inflicting 4,875 to 5,125 Shadow damage to anyone infront of her (Chick Face)

I recommend starting off with the group spread to minimize shadow damage done to multiple targets.
Start the fight and I recommend holding heroism or bloodlust until he begins to cast the first unleashed souls (If you have it).

The basics are to quickly move your characters out of the purple void areas it will do a significant amount of damage. You must be weary of the Wailing souls, its nearly instant death if you get in the way. Devourer will start the fight off and begin to first cast a mirroed soul, pause DPS here its a short duration. Following on will be well of souls, you need to have the persons moved out of the way prior to this the leap hurts.

The best time to max dps is during unleashed souls, a bunch of untargetable but killable adds spawn. (Great time for fire ele's and fire nova if your a shaman group). You should get another mirrored soul after this, and then he will being to do Wailing souls. Its *VERY* important to move out of this, if you hug close to the devourer during this face you can duck through once you figure out the face is going to stop and start casting. this has helped me alot.