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    7. Setting up Repeater Regions
    Tovya's video guide to Repeater Regions:

    Repeater regions are sections of your UI, which are configured so that when your mouse is within them, it is repeated (the movement and clicks, including modifier keys) on other clients as you've configured.

    You can have as many repeater regions as you like.

    If you save them as "auto" which is the default, they will automatically load for the character set which saved them. If you give them any other name as the save type, you'll have to manually load them to get them to work.

    A wow addon like Grid, Healbot, OpenRDX or Vuhdo can be configured to show an alphabetical list of the current Party, Raid etc. An alphabetical view is desirable because you can then pass a click to the 1st, 3rd or 21st box, and it is the same target on every other client.

    So the tank or a dps could click on the Grid frame, passing the click to the healer toon, who then heals the correct target without you ever having to leave the current window.

    Healbot and Vuhdo recognize mouse clicks and be configured to act based on those clicks. I'm not sure if OpenRDX is in that category or not. Grid will actually require two additional addons to get this working, but it is my preferred option.

    With Grid, you'll also need GridCustomLayouts and Clique.

    You'll also need to know the "In-game ISBoxer GUI toggle hotkey", which was set in the Additional Tweaks portion of the Wizard section of this guide. You can check what you selected by selecting your team (from character sets) on the top pane, highlighting your team on the left pane and checking the 3rd option on the right.

    With all addons enabled, start wow via the IS menu.

    In game, type /Grid Config
    Click on Layouts and then Custom Layouts.
    Select a New configuration.
    Enter: order=NAME;

    You will likely want to configure Grid a little. Type /Grid Config again.

    Clicking on Frame, you can adjust how many characters of each persons name is displayed via the Center Text Length setting.

    The Advanced sub-option under Frame has more configuration options. You can adjust the icon size (such as debuffs), the font size, frame height and frame width and the orientation of the frames.

    Clicking on Layout allows us to set our alphabetical display for each of the default Layouts... Party, 10-man raid, 25-man raid and 40-man battleground.

    Try to use UI elements as "landmarks" for your Grid Frame. Ideally, we would like the frame to be in exactly the same position on every client. However, in practice, pretty close is usually good enough, and we'll know for sure at the "Sync" stage. Alternatively, copy the file Grid.lua from WTF >> Account >> Account Name >> Saved Variables, and paste it in each account's Saved Variables folder.

    We'll also need to configure Clique to interpret our clicks. Press P to bring up the spell book. You'll notice a fifth option to click on at the bottom. Clicking here brings up the Clique configuration screen. Now navigate to each of your heals.

    I like to not set Right Click as any type of an auto heal. Purely so when I'm playing the healer as the active toon, I can right click on a party member and trade without casting a heal instead and not even acquiring them as a target.

    I use:
    Left Click - Renew
    Alt + Left - PW: Shield
    Ctrl + Left - Prayer of Mending
    Shift + Left - Pain Suppression
    Alt + Right - Penance
    Ctrl + Right - Flash Heal
    Shift + Right - Prayer of Healing.

    Now we need to set our Repeater Region. Click the GUI Toggle key. Mine is Alt + Ctrl + /.

    This brings up the GUI.

    Our first decision will be to use KVM mode or not. KVM means, when we click on the main/active screen, it will send the click to the client or clients we have chosen, but the click will not occur on the main screen. I like KVM mode when on my tank or dps types, because they can continue to dps/tank the same target and not get a party member as their target instead. Checking or unchecking KVM mode will undo our next selection.

    Click the arrow to the left of Add. We can select each slot number individually or choose all other. It really depends on what you're doing to determine what you want. With only one healer, you'd only want the click passed to their slot. With a 5x shaman team, you might want a click to pass to them all for healing.

    Once your choice is made, click the Add button. This creates a resizeable window which you will drag over the Grid frame and then resize to be as small as possible but still covering the entire frame. Some people like it to only cover half of the frame, which lets your paladin use the other half for cleanse.

    When the region is covering what you want it to, click the Sync button which creates a window over the target (the toon in the Slot which will receive the click). Ensure the window is entirely on their Grid frame. You don't want a possibility of clicking towards the edge of your frame and having a click passed which misses their Grid entirely.

    Once you are happy with the positioning, click Save As. By default, it is Auto. For ease, I save everything as auto.

    Let's say you have a mixed team. Paladin tank, Priest healer and 3x non-healer DPS. It might be a very good idea to repeat this process from each of the non-healer windows, so any toon can have the priest heal the chosen frame with a click.

    Once you're done, press your GUI Toggle key to close the GUI window.
    Last edited by Ualaa : 11-28-2009 at 04:23 PM

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