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  1. #1


    Congrats to those who've pulled this off. I just can't do it! I usually tank outside the room and get halfway through the red beam phase and I end up missing one guy, and in the act of running to get him I wind up falling behind and wiping. OR if I tank them in the center, I can't avoid the red/black stuff enough and my guys die too much. I'm not sure if I should refine outside the room or inside or if there's another trick. I hate how long this stupid encounter is, too...

  2. #2


    The Brann Spankin New method is basically what I do.

    Shaman just off the steps facing outward the Paladin on the top of the steps basically, round robin bind / root totems, full magma down, watch so thunderstorms don't toss mobs the wrong way.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by HPAVC View Post
    The Brann Spankin New method is basically what I do.

    Shaman just off the steps facing outward the Paladin on the top of the steps basically, round robin bind / root totems, full magma down, watch so thunderstorms don't toss mobs the wrong way.
    Ahhh! See, those Earthbinds are a big deal. I think I'd have an easier go of it if I didn't use a mixed group. On the other hand, I do have two 80 shaman between my 10 box team. Maybe I could use them both just for this fight. Thanks for the idea. :-)

    By the way, don't get me wrong, my mixed teams usually perform better. This fight just isn't designed in a way that pure damage output matters much.
    Last edited by TheBigBB : 10-23-2009 at 10:22 AM

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