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  1. #141
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    One thing that really helps is to go through everything the wizard has done.
    Don't make any changes from the default initially.
    Just click on everything and see what it has set up, to help understand why it works.

    Every problem I have had, has come from changing something from the default.
    Naturally, I want my own set up, so a lot of things are modified.
    Unfortunately, I modified things which shouldn't have been, but thanks to strong support everything is good again.

    For the repeater, two steps is superior to a toggle.
    The wizard gives you two steps.
    It also has keyboard and mouse repeating on the same key.
    Step one enabled the repeating.
    And it also gives a short pop up text.
    Step two disables the repeating, also with a short pop up text.
    Here steps are referring to different actions on the same hotkey.
    Each step actually has more then one thing happening on the step.
    I copied the keyboard/mouse repeater keymap.
    Then renamed the first (original) to keyboard repeater.
    Renamed the second (copy) to mouse repeater.
    Changed to hotkey on keyboard to M1, and on mouse to M2.
    Also removed check marks, so keyboard is only keyboard and mouse is only mouse repeating.
    Added the respective M1/M2 light on, on step one and light off, on step 2.

    The software is extremely flexible, as is.
    And it is regularly being updated for bug fixes and new features.

  2. #142


    Thanks for the answers.

    I did excactly what you suggested Ualaa, I carefully read through all the default stuff so I could get an overview of all the neat functions. That coupled with the videos and Wiki really helped a lot. Some of the videos I have look through maybe 3-4 times. Really helpfull. I love the wizards, it saves a ton of time.

    I disabled the default keymap for repeater (cleared out the hotkey) after a little while, as I found out it was build into isboxer as a function - the repeater profile. I think I will disable the repeater profile again and go back to the keymap setup. That Message which popup is really nice.

    I'm very careful not to mess around with the default settings because some functions is tied together - so changing one thing might effect another. Its a learning process for me, but im really amazed about the possibilities.

    Lax, thanks for your comments. Ill try and disable the followstrobing and implement a follow macro, as I was used to prior to using ISboxer. Ill also setup movement on my alts on the "Arrow" keys like I used to. I found that very nice.

    I expirenced the issue you said with collection quests... hehe swiched to the toon which should pickup something, and it continued to followstrobe to the main

    I have also been looking at Clickboxer to use for my healing.... but im struggeling to understand what it does and how it works, for the information I can find on Wiki.... as far as I understand its "only" a layout for buttons. But I guess fiddeling around with this would explain a bit but I take it one step at a time.

  3. #143


    Nevermind. Figured it out
    Last edited by Tsumi : 10-22-2009 at 03:57 PM

  4. #144
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    For the healing, the easiest and strongest solution I've found so far is repeater regions.

    Just press your hotkey to bring the in-game GUI up.
    I believe Zanthor suggested Alt + Ctrl + /

    Choose which regions the repeating goes to.
    Name it whatever you want.
    Set it to save as "auto", so it will automatically load.
    If you save it as anything else, you'll need to manually load it each time.

    Get an addon for the units.
    Vuhdo can do this as a single addon.
    I personally use Grid (with GridCustomLayouts) and then Clique for click casting.
    You want it alphabetical or another fixed order, so it appears the same on each client.

    With one healer, you'd only want repeating on their client.
    With one healer, KVM mode is a good idea, so the tank/dps doesn't switch targets by clicking on the repeater region.
    With something like 5x druids, priests and shamans, you might want all clients to repeat.

    When you click on a name in Grid or Vuhdo, it passes the click on to the chosen client(s).
    Vuhdo, Healbot or Clique will have the toon cast a specific spell based on the click.
    You can have modifier keys passed on the click too.

    Imagine having a 40 person raid displayed.
    Your team can heal by clicking a frame.
    Maybe Alt Right Click is chain heal, and Ctrl Right Click is Lesser Healing Wave.
    You're free to dps as normal, but anytime you want to heal its very easy to do so.

  5. #145


    Nice tips and hints... atm I have bound healing for my resto druid on F1-F5 for a button for each druid. Then made a macro with modifiers so if I do ctrl+f1 I get a Healing Touch, and if its with no mod theres a castsequence with rejuv, wild growth etc.

    But im not at all pleased with the setup. Its to slow atm. I had my tank die yesterday because my healer also does dps, and was casting a Star Fall while my tank needed a Healing Touch.... I tried Healbot earlier but diden't like it at all. Gonny try out Vuhdo - Grid look like a kewl mod but I have stopped using UI mods since they tend to get screwed over every patch which I got sick of.

    Used to use Macaroon aswell for macros but I lost my setup once and stopped using it. Back to the "normal" wow UI Simple.

    I will try and use the repeater regions instead of clickboxer over the weekend and hopefully combined with the vuhdo mod it will rock!

    The druids are somewhat tricky to manage when it comes to healing. Because I have a dedicated healer, but when doing quests I want the healer to do dps and the dps to help with a rejuv once in a while, fx. when runnnig in travel mode not stopping for mobs attacking me, its nice to /cancel stance /Cast rejuv (Target=Jambamaster), /cast Travel Stance or whatever and continue..... 5*rejuv rocks when not in instance.

    In instance I use a more common setup of Tank/healer/*3boomkin. But in teory when doing quests I think it would go faster if I did Cat/4*Boomkin.

    Argh all those posibilities

    *Edit: Typos and poor language - Sry guys.
    Last edited by Seldum : 10-23-2009 at 06:44 AM

  6. #146
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    It's probably the easiest to go 5x Boomkin, unless you need tanking and/or stronger heals.
    Instances the 3 boomkin, 1 resto, and 1 feral route is probably the best.

    If you have a dedicated healer and want them to assist with the dps, different macro's can help.
    Put your default spam dps on say key 1 for everyone other then the healer.
    Put the same macro on key 2 for everyone, including the healer.

    When you'll need heals, spam 1 so the healer is not casting.
    When you won't need heals, spam 2 so everyone is dps'ing.

    Alternatively, you could go with a series of keymaps for the healer.
    We already have an FTL key, for when we press 1, it determines target and then sends 1 to each client.
    Create a group, which does not include the healer.
    Change the target of the default FTL key, to this group.
    So when you spam 1, everyone except the healer also spams 1 and FTL assists correctly.
    Then create another FTL key, triggered by 1, which sends FTL assist and the 1 key to the healer only.
    And make a toggle key, ideally two steps. Step 1 enables the healers FTL 1 assist key and step 2 disables it.
    If you're playing multiple groups, you'll want the 1 FTL key to still work for them too, so be aware of that if you alter it.

  7. #147


    Again, nice tips. Especially with the dps.

    I spend 4 hours on friday setting up more stuff like movement of my toons without followstroping so I can hit "Arrow down" and followstrobing is off and my toons move backwards. That really helped with the positioning etc. Especially when my group recieved AoE damage... I can just move all 4 of my toons and let the tank stay in the same place.

    Thanks to the people in the mirc channel for ISboxer I got the repeater regions setup aswell combined with Vuhdo. That was fairly easy, what took me a long time was to make the healing macros for heals to be cast when I hit fx. left click in the repeater area so Vuhdo would heal a given toon.

    The difficult part was to get a macro with the condition [nostance] to work . I found out that Vuhdo dosen't update the macro automatically if I change the macro in the macro menu in wow. I needed to drag the macro to Vuhdo again to make sure it updated it. After fiddeling around with this, I finally got everything to work.

    I have set it up as follows.

    When in stance, Bear/boomking/travelform etc. no healing is done.
    When not in stance any toon heal.

    As I haven't unlocked the "tree of life" stance yet on my healer, he is the only toon not in stance when Im in instances etc.. therefore he casts healing spells when I click the repeater area/Vuhdo.

    But if everything goes to hell I have a button where all toons except my tank goes out of stance and therefore helps with the healing.

    And it works sweet. I really got into a mess last night fighting a boss and I was able to heal through it nicely.... I will bet that I would have viped without the repeater regions/vuhdo setup. I love it. Thanks for the help.

    Im considering making a specific guide to using vuhdo/ISboxer repeater regions mainly because the wiki is a bit weak on this part. We have a nice description on how setup repeater regions here but I think a more detailed description might come in handy. I would have saved me alot of time But my english suck. So someone might have to read i through prior to me posting it hehe.

    Is there any way to setup repeater regions to automatically launch upon entering the game? As of now, I have to "load" a setup when I get into wow. Its no big deal but if it was possible to launch is when I start out I don't need to remember it.
    Last edited by Seldum : 10-26-2009 at 07:15 AM

  8. #148


    Is there any way to setup repeater regions to automatically launch upon entering the game? As of now, I have to "load" a setup when I get into wow. Its no big deal but if it was possible to launch is when I start out I don't need to remember it.
    Repeater regions are stored in sets (per character set). The set named Auto will be loaded by default (in other words, the simple answer to your question is to leave the text box as Auto when you click Save). If you are saving your set as something else, you will need to manually load it either through the in-game GUI or with a Mapped Key that has a Repeater Regions Action
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  9. #149


    Quote Originally Posted by Lax View Post
    Repeater regions are stored in sets (per character set). The set named Auto will be loaded by default (in other words, the simple answer to your question is to leave the text box as Auto when you click Save). If you are saving your set as something else, you will need to manually load it either through the in-game GUI or with a Mapped Key that has a Repeater Regions Action

    I stick with Auto myself. Just add as many repeater regions as you need and than save it as Auto.

  10. #150


    Thanks for the answer Lax..

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