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  1. #1

    Default Jamba Follow Strobing vs. WoW TOS

    OK, since I've seen this mentioned so many times lately, I feel compelled to ask this question: Why is Jamba follow strobing not considered a violation of WoW's terms of service? I don't want to rock anyone's boat if there isn't a problem, but frankly I don't dare use Jamba at all because of this feature. Anyone have thoughts on this?

  2. #2

    Default RE: Jamba Follow Strobing vs. WoW TOS

    Quote Originally Posted by 'CommanderChaos',index.php?page=Thread&postID=1815 15#post181515
    OK, since I've seen this mentioned so many times lately, I feel compelled to ask this question: Why is Jamba follow strobing not considered a violation of WoW's terms of service? I don't want to rock anyone's boat if there isn't a problem, but frankly I don't dare use Jamba at all because of this feature. Anyone have thoughts on this?
    question: why do you think its against the TOS?

  3. #3

  4. #4


    question: why do you think its against the TOS?
    Seems a fair question, since I brought it up Maybe my understanding of how it works is faulty; but doesn't it send a signal to the clones to follow every second? So if I walk away from the computer for a minute, there will still be a command sent every second to the clients. It's automatic. One doesn't have to press a button to make it happen each time.

  5. #5
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    It's an AddOn. It can't do anything that isn't allowed by Blizzard code. If it was a piece of 3rd party software, ie if Keyclone did it instead of the AddOn, then I'd be curious. However, since it's something that works as an AddOn, I don't see how it could possibly be against the TOS.
    My Blog: SRS Business

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Hor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181545#post1815 45
    It's an AddOn. It can't do anything that isn't allowed by Blizzard code. If it was a piece of 3rd party software, ie if Keyclone did it instead of the AddOn, then I'd be curious. However, since it's something that works as an AddOn, I don't see how it could possibly be against the TOS.
    I've certainly seen that language used in reference to Macros, where such things as if/then statements and time delays are not possible. But you're right, Blizzard also has full control of the API used for AddOns, and can change any of those features at any time. My concern is in the apparent crossover use of lua to program some Macro functionality that isn't permitted in a standalone Macro.

    I've just gone back and researched some blue warcraft forum posts. The language is pretty clear that if it's an AddOn, not a separate executable, then Blizzard explicitly permits its use. I can shut up now.

  7. #7


    darn... i came back too late! problem has been resolved without me. =[

  8. #8
    Member Souca's Avatar
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    Just to add something to this, if you look at the lua functions used for targeting you will get an idea of how much trouble Blizzard goes to to define what an addon, or macro, can do. If it is something that Blizzard doesn't want done, i.e. looting without a mouse click, then you can't do it. Things like targeting are okay at times, but you have to make them a secure function and secure functions can only be changed out of combat.

    Follow is oddly one of those things that can be done in many ways. If they didn't want it done, you wouldn't be able to. Now stopping a follow, that can't be done without a key press

    There is a good list of the APIs here . The ones listed PROTECTED give you an idea of some things that only Blizzard UI can do.

    - Souca -
    This space for rent.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Hor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181545#post18154 5]It can't do anything that isn't allowed by Blizzard code.[/quote]
    If they didn't want it done, you wouldn't be able to.
    Just because you CAN do it with the built-in macros or API doesn't mean you SHOULD.

    There's only so much you can prevent, and there's the never ending battle of problem, patch, fix, find new problem. So I wouldn't take "it works" to mean "it's ok to use", particularly if there's no actual confirmation of the functionality and/or conflicting information (i.e. GM conversations regarding delays, loops and timers -- which can always be found on the GM conversations wiki).

    ...such things as if/then statements and time delays are not possible
    Quote Originally Posted by Vyndree
    While researching a bit on /click, I did find someone posting a way to insert a delay into the normal /macro interface (which we all know is a big no-no). So the argument that "it's in the in-game macro interface, it's ok" can be nullified:
    [spoiler] 1&sid=1
    /cast MySpell
    /script local t = GetTime(); while GetTime() - t < 6 do end
    /cast MySpell2

    Try it in your next raid. I'm sure you'll love it. Just change the "6" to whatever delay, in seconds, you want.

    Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. I take no responsibility for any consequential actions which may occur from running the above code.
    Like I said, delays are bannable. DO NOT USE this code.
    "I can, therefore I should" is a poor argument. We have blues saying that "delays are bad", and we have an addon that utilizes delays. I'm not saying "I know this addon is bad", but merely saying "I don't know that this addon is good". It is a subtle but important difference.

    OP: As a general rule, if you are ever concerned about whether functionality is OK/not OK -- your best bet is to ask an official source before using it.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  10. #10


    Ya true but on the other hand its kinda in their court to make the in game scripting tools "cheat proof". They have no control over 3rd party applicaitons but they have full control over their in game product. Based on that I wouldn't really be overly concerned about getting banned for "illegal" add ons, based on the in game scripting tools. Has anyone ever?

    And at any rate the auto follow thing isn't really all that helpfull. You want to hit auto follow right after you loot (if your main is not looting), not at some random intervals. I don't use it, just have a key near my trackball to hit after looting or when I want to autofollow.

    Also TONS of add ons do repetitive searchs for like enemies in your area (obviously the code does it at some interval), items for sale in AH, and almost any kind of add on that warns you about somethign has to be checking at spicific intervals. Even threat has to be monitored at intervals.

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