This is going to be a record of my experiences 5 boxing WoW from the ground up. My main aim is to help other folks who might want to do something similar.

I will first establish where I am coming from so you know what I might be able to help with and what I know absolutely nothing about.

1. My History

i) In game

PvP - if you want any advice on PvP I am absolutely NOT the person to get it from. I have never PvP'ed ever, aside from minor forays in DaoC and UO

PvE - this is my strength. I have been playing MMORPGs, in depth, for a decade. I played EQ1 for 8 years and was boxing it from soon after launch. For most of that time I was a member of one of the leading guilds. We worked with SoE in the live game for a few years as we were the guild achieving in game objectives first. The devs would come along on raids with us and see how we approached brand new content to balance and fix it.

My only point is I understand class synergies in depth and what it takes to successfully beat game content and the various challenges encounters can throw at you.

ii) WoW Experience

I played WoW from early US beta and then in US live. When WoW EU went live I started there to join friends. I was first to lvl 60 on Terenas. I did a lot of instances for months with friends and only raided Molten Core. I haven't played WoW for the better part of two years. I have a lot to learn about the post 60 game.

iii) Real Life

My career started with nearly a decade in the armed forces, starting in the mid 80's. I was recruited as an electronics technician, repairing surface to air, computer controlled, missile systems. The point is, over those ten years I got in early on training in computers and digital electronics. I got a couple of HNDs, then did an IT degree, in my own time. I've been playing computer games ever since and CRPGs since Wizardry and the Ultima series.

2. My In Game Objectives

My only aim is to put together a 5 box team capable of beating lvl 60-70 PvE content.