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  1. #1

    Default Dual-Boxing Lineage II


    I play Lineage II for quite a long time (more than a year) and recently I "inherited" an account from a friend who quit. This got me thinking about dual-boxing it, and I am succesfully playing a Prophet (support class) following my main. Now I tried to somehow control the Prophet without alt-tabbing between the two instances, and I found this forum. I must say I'm very impressed with what you do. :wink:

    What I need is to be able to send certain keystrokes (the F1-F12 keys to be exact) to the second instance, while letting all the other keys act on the first. What I have now, is an AutoHotkey script:

    [code:1]#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

    ;; Tray icon

    Menu, TRAY, Icon, l2_dualbox.ico
    Menu, TRAY, Tip, L2 Dualbox AHK Script

    ;; Annoying keys remapped


    ;; Lineage 2

    ;;#IfWinActive, Lineage II

    ;; Set main/dual window: RIGHT Alt+Ctrl+F1/F2

    WinGet, main, ID, A
    GroupAdd, main_group, ahk_id %main%

    WinGet, box, ID, A

    ;; Passing F-keys to dual

    #IfWinActive, ahk_group main_group

    *a:: ; for debug purposes
    chr := SubStr(A_ThisHotkey,2)
    ControlSend,, {Blind}{%chr%}, ahk_id %box%

    ;; ` = esc on dual

    ControlSend,, {Esc}, ahk_id %box%


    This should work in theory, and it also works perfectly when I use two Notepad windows for example, but when I want to send commands to Lineage II, it simply doesn't respond, as if it didn't receive them at all. Now, am I missing something? Or is AutoHotkey not working with the game? Is anyone here succesfully dual (or more-) boxing Lineage II?

    Also, I'm not exactly crawling in money, so buying another computer is NOT an option for me, and I do not want to pay for KeyClone until I'm sure it will work.

    Thanks for any help.

  2. #2


    autohotkey works with everything I think.. there's nothing that might not work with specific application
    Coffee Resurrects.

  3. #3


    Do you see an error with my script?

    As I have said, it works with Notepad or any other Windows program, just not with L2.

  4. #4


    Some games just have a way of ignoring "artificial" input. EQ does this as well, I've tried using AHK with 2 eq sessions, but none of the ahk keypresses go through. It is also reported that keyclone doesn't work with EQ for most likely the same reasons.

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