What I want to know is, has anyone had good luck with classes other than Shaman when 3-4-5 boxing in arenas? I haven't heard of any, but I would think there are some out there. I am curious as to your class selection and how many machines you run them on (basic).

So far I have gotten up to 4 accounts running in the 40-50fps range at once on my systems, and now I am trying to decide on my classes.

I was thinking of just adding a warlock to my war/sham honor farming duo I am working up, so I would have 3 different characters to arena with individually. However after playing 4x shaman, I am thinking I would like to try something similar to Ellay with 4x and another player healing. I can pull the trigger on a 5th account, but 3 or 4 is what I would prefer, so I am trying to figure what my best bet is based on your info. I like the idea of mages or warlocks with a priest, but am not sure if anything besides shaman would be really good arena wise. Thanks!