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  1. #1

    Default Wow... PSTs for Me !

    So I have been multiboxing for just about 4 days.

    I generally play at around Midnight to about 3:00 AM server time, so there's a lot less people.

    First day, at Elwynn Forest with 5 humans (testing them out). 3 other people followed me and mostly just /lol, saw me kill a couple of things while figuring things out. 1 PST me asking me how I'm doing this, and I just tell him multiple keyboards and mouse.

    2nd Day at Goldshire, I find 5 other toons there... with similiar names... WOW, another 5-boxer trying it out. Talked very briefly because I guess we were still settings things up.

    3rd Day, finally started at Dranei. A person followed me a little, asked me how I do it. Told me that people will probably report me. I said yeah, but it's legit because I'm controlling all of them. He thought it was funny, gave him wish me well and moved on.

    4rd Day (yesterday). 1 PST asking me if I'm 4-boxing. I said 5-boxing. He lol, asking me how I handle the finances, I just told him $160 for the 4 additional accounts (because of the battlechest special), and $75 a month for the sub. He /lol and left.

    It's just amazing to me, because of all the times that I've played (solo), with so few people playing so late, I barely having any conversations.

    Now, people are psting me (understandably).

    I know that most of the veterans here already had their share of this while leveling (some good, some bad)... it's just funny and I felt like sharing my first experience with the general population while 5-boxing.

    I'm guessing that as I level up, I'll start getting tickets and complaints.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wow... PSTs for Me !

    Quote Originally Posted by kllrwlf
    4rd Day (yesterday)

    Sounds like fun! I'm already level 12 and haven't gotten any tells yet, although 3-boxing isn't quite as impressive looking as 5-boxing I suppose.

  3. #3


    I've just started this week myself and you certainly get a lot more attention.. I've never seen so many 'wtf' in a week before. sometimes I get called a bot.. I wanna send tells to thoes people asking them if they want to buy gold

  4. #4


    I agree with the PST's..

    I'll just be strolling along minding my own business and then 3 people stop and just say "WTF"

    I laugh

  5. #5


    Am I confused about what PST stands for? Pretty sure PST stands for Please Send Tell as in "Looking for a priest Please Send Tell". I could be wrong, but I think thats right.

    Not intending this as a flame AT ALL, just wondering if I've fallen behind the times.

  6. #6


    People use PST now generally to mean "a message". In this case "messages".

    I usually hear: "Please send PST" (which doesn't really make any sense )

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Heenan
    People use PST now generally to mean "a message". In this case "messages".

    I usually hear: "Please send PST" (which doesn't really make any sense )
    I guess if you want to get very literal, I mean jeez! you know what we mean..

  8. #8


    Just wait until the messageboard posts start.

    Oh and don't forget the level 1 alts from xrealms.
    The Zins - 10 Boxing
    Xzin, Azin, Bzin, Czin, Dzin
    Xyzin, Ayzin, Byzin, Cyzin, Dyzin
    Magtheridon - US

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by mxracer050
    Quote Originally Posted by Heenan
    People use PST now generally to mean "a message". In this case "messages".

    I usually hear: "Please send PST" (which doesn't really make any sense )
    I guess if you want to get very literal, I mean jeez! you know what we mean..
    I can't help it. I read acronyms in my head by their intended words When I see someone say, "PST me for invite!" -- I hear, "Please send tell me for invite!"

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Heenan
    Quote Originally Posted by mxracer050
    Quote Originally Posted by Heenan
    People use PST now generally to mean "a message". In this case "messages".

    I usually hear: "Please send PST" (which doesn't really make any sense )
    I guess if you want to get very literal, I mean jeez! you know what we mean..
    I can't help it. I read acronyms in my head by their intended words When I see someone say, "PST me for invite!" -- I hear, "Please send tell me for invite!"

    Really though this is what happens with acronyms that catch on. Have you ever seen someone type "I LOL'd"? LOL stands for "Laughing out Loud" or (depending on which internet definition you are reading) "Lots of Laughs".... So LOL'd would read "Laughing out Louded"?

    I too read PST as both Please Send Tell and/or Psssst (Like "Pssst... hey, want to buy some gold?")

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