So I have been multiboxing for just about 4 days.

I generally play at around Midnight to about 3:00 AM server time, so there's a lot less people.

First day, at Elwynn Forest with 5 humans (testing them out). 3 other people followed me and mostly just /lol, saw me kill a couple of things while figuring things out. 1 PST me asking me how I'm doing this, and I just tell him multiple keyboards and mouse.

2nd Day at Goldshire, I find 5 other toons there... with similiar names... WOW, another 5-boxer trying it out. Talked very briefly because I guess we were still settings things up.

3rd Day, finally started at Dranei. A person followed me a little, asked me how I do it. Told me that people will probably report me. I said yeah, but it's legit because I'm controlling all of them. He thought it was funny, gave him wish me well and moved on.

4rd Day (yesterday). 1 PST asking me if I'm 4-boxing. I said 5-boxing. He lol, asking me how I handle the finances, I just told him $160 for the 4 additional accounts (because of the battlechest special), and $75 a month for the sub. He /lol and left.

It's just amazing to me, because of all the times that I've played (solo), with so few people playing so late, I barely having any conversations.

Now, people are psting me (understandably).

I know that most of the veterans here already had their share of this while leveling (some good, some bad)... it's just funny and I felt like sharing my first experience with the general population while 5-boxing.

I'm guessing that as I level up, I'll start getting tickets and complaints.