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  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by layne
    because its just a videogame.
    the most money goes towards my arcade collection. and i do so because theyre the games you get to play with other people the most, in person no less.
    Yes you may spend your money on something that gives you the immediate satisfaction, we multibox because it gives us a good amount of satisfaction / laughs / fun over a long period of time, and at the end we get alot of appreciation and interest from the general public whom see us hanging out in main cities ingame.

    But yeh, evaluate how long you have stayed interested in 1 arcade game afer you finish it, rather than playing a game that is always changing and with the advantage of 5x the power and the ability to not have to sit around all day waiting to do group quests and dungeons.
    [align=center]-=:Team Supa:=- FROSTMANE-US
    1x Priest 4x Mage (65) Grinding team
    4x Shammies (70) Arena team

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by beyond-tec
    why I am doing this?

    Because I can.. 8)
    Hahahahaha, that was exactly my thoughts.


  3. #13


    Personally I began multiboxing when TBC released. I wanted to roll a bloodelf paladin to help out my guild for pve, since I knew there would be a need for paladins when this became aviable for horde.

    However I had a problem: paladins is no killing-machine like my well-geared shadowpriest used to be.
    Then I came to this soulution, why not play the paladin as my raidmain, and supplement with 4 shadowpriests(now holynuke, but shadow was my thought then :P ) for killing stuff on my own?

    My paladin is protection specced, and is used for tanking in raids. Especially aoe-tanking.

    Now having a fairly well geared paladin is really helping for boxing since I can aoe tank most things instead of cc'ing. Even in heroics

    Allthough I 5-box, I frequently also 4 or 3 box to make room for a friend or two. This makes my boxing a bit more social, and can also be a big improvement when doing e.g heroics.

  4. #14
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line



    Take the blue pill.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  5. #15


    As Otlecs already mentioned:

    I enjoy playing the game when I got time. I don't want to depend on other players to visit an instance, I don't want to spend my whole afternoon in Shattrah spamming "LFG / LFM xxxx". When I get online I want to play. When I need to exit the game I don't want to justify myself in front of the rest of the group why I need to leave - I just want to leave because I'd like to so something in real life, with my friends or my girlfriend instead of hanging around in World of Warcraft.

    I got the hardware - why shouldn't I use it? Haven't bought that many stuff especially for multiboxing.

    12,99 € / account * 5 = 65 €.
    It depends on your income if this is a lot of money or you don't need to think about it. I've got a job, I've got a car, I've got my own home and I've got a solid financial plan. And this plan tells me that I can spend the 65€ for my hobby. I've had photography as my hobby before I started with World of Warcraft - I've spent about 100 - 200 € / month for this hobby so Warcraft is quiet cheap.

    it kickz ass running around with 5 toons and one-shot everything that passes your way! :lol: :lol:
    Deutscher Multi-Boxing Blog mit Tutorials, Einleitungen, Hardware-Setups ....
    Klickt hier und ihr werdet erleuchtet:

  6. #16



    Has another valid point.

    I used to spend in excess of $900 per month in tires and fuel when i was running pro circuit karting.

    And i was playing wow as a high end raider as well at the same time, then i was just cruising around one day when i saw a 5boxer in 5v5 arena , 4mage 1 priest team, and i thought well this could be fun, and was retiring my kart so decided ill try my hand at multiboxing .

    So yeh most people will find the same if they evaluate how much they spend monthly on hobbies :P
    [align=center]-=:Team Supa:=- FROSTMANE-US
    1x Priest 4x Mage (65) Grinding team
    4x Shammies (70) Arena team

  7. #17


    Why did you climb Everest?
    "Because it was there"

    My multiboxing version is "because it's hard". I get to replay WoW on "hard-mode", as far as I'm concerned. My goal is to do all the 5-man content, by myself. I don't have to wait for groups. I can start and stop any time I want, in any instance. There's alot of upside, for me, in being able to experience the parts of the games I enjoy (5-man content) at my own pace.

    The notion that it's expensive is a myth. You can get a 5-box-able PC for 800$. A decent gaming computer for Crysis will 5-box WoW.

    The notion that monthly fees and/or game boxes are expensive is equally bizarre. 75$ a month is somewhat expensive, I guess. It's expensive for college kids, sure. I mean, I paid 60$ for BioShock and am pretty sure I didn't play it for a month. Halo3, maybe. I'm gonna get Assassin's Creed and Mass Effect, too.

    Besides, if you work out the actual costs of multi-boxing, the opportunity cost of -my-time- is, by far, the biggest expense. My time is worth X$ per hour (or so my boss tells me), and if I'm perfectly willing to spend it playing WoW.. why wouldn't I add on a tiny fraction of actual cost to do so?

    Expensive? My fiance and I went out to dinner the other night and dropped $200. You don't want to know how much the ring cost. In the grand scheme of things, how much is that extra tenth of a carat diamond gonna give me compared with... say... 5-manning wailing caverns! woot!
    Magtheridon: Eta, Psi, Iota, Epsilon, Upsilon (Pa/Pr/Wl/M/M)

  8. #18


    The biggest reason to dual-box for me dates back to EverQuest, where you NEEDED another character (heal-bot) to help you out. The game was far from solo-friendly. Ever since then I have at least dual-boxed every single MMO I have had (EQ, EQ2, AC, AC2, E&B, SWG, AO, EVE and now WoW).

    If you have the hardware lying around, why not do it?

    People have already justified the costs of hardware, accounts and subscription fees. But if you're asking this question, then you'd probably ask the following:

    1. Why do certain people pay $1,500 for a car, and then drop $30,000 in parts into it?
    2. Why do certain people spend up to $10,000 for an A/V stereo receiver, and then up to $4,000 on each speaker of their 7.1 surround sound system (<- my Uncle).
    3. Why do people spend anything above and beyond what is "needed"?

    I'd say the first thing to come to mind is "bragging rights". Being able to show your friends your new "setup" will forever be a guy thing.

    But with multi-boxing I think a lot of it has to do with the way MMOs are setup. Once you've been through the content 4 or 5 times it gets a little stale (I've literally brought characters up through the Barrens 9 times now -- not fun). End game is fun, but you find yourself wanting to branch out to other characters. So for me, I use multi-boxing as a way to bring multiple characters up to play in the end game together. It just gives me more options.

    Ultimately though, the answer is: I have the ability to do it and I've already justified it to myself.

    My rebuttal question would then be: Why do you care that I'm spending my money the way that I want to?

  9. #19


    Because I had reached the peak of what I could do by myself, I was sick of being the one solo person in a PUG BG where the only way to kill me was to focus fire and if I had just a couple of heals I would have dominated even harder.

    So now I can do battlegrounds, I am the group I am the healer I am the dps. *shrugs*

    Its also incredible fun to setup, very fun to play, very difficult to play and very challanging.

  10. #20


    Farm gold, ebay, gg.
    Horde: Mal'Ganis Server
    Guild: Origins - Everyone Rank 1.

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