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  1. #1

    Default first 20 levels or so...

    Hi everyone, i'm a new boxer as some other people on here. I just started a 5 box yesterday, it took forever to setup but i think i'm initially setup. My question is, how do people lvl up the first initial 20 lvls or so before u step up into an instance like deadmines? I am on the ally side and so far i've been doing bunch of quests with all 5 guys, but i'm wondering if there is a faster way to lvl up initially. Ty for your replies.

  2. #2


    Do the Quests and grind Mobs that respawn quickly is probably the best method of getting up the early levels, after that, you can either grind Instances or carry on with Quests. Questing is probably better over-all, however doing Instances is certainly beneficial on PvP servers (Not as many people trying to Gank you)

  3. #3

    Default Re: first 20 levels or so...

    Quote Originally Posted by Aquaplex
    Hi everyone, i'm a new boxer as some other people on here. I just started a 5 box yesterday, it took forever to setup but i think i'm initially setup. My question is, how do people lvl up the first initial 20 lvls or so before u step up into an instance like deadmines? I am on the ally side and so far i've been doing bunch of quests with all 5 guys, but i'm wondering if there is a faster way to lvl up initially. Ty for your replies.
    I've done the first ten levels with my chars to get my macros and movements complete. I enjoy one-hitting mobs with instant casts with a group of five shamans because until you reached the next mob your mana is back at 100%.

    It's a bit slower than leveling solo but you don't have downtimes for drinking *g*
    Deutscher Multi-Boxing Blog mit Tutorials, Einleitungen, Hardware-Setups ....
    Klickt hier und ihr werdet erleuchtet:

  4. #4
    Member Otlecs's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    EU-Aggramar, Alliance.


    I throw my teams together as early as possible to iron out the wrinkles with macros, movement, etc, and to just get a proper "feel" for how it hangs together.

    I even levelled a Gnome Warlock from 1 to 10 in Azuremyst in the complete absence of a Warlock trainer because getting the synergy right is more important than training at the beginning.

    Grinding Elites is the best out-of-instance grinding you can do as a group, although there's a dearth of non-instance Elites in the early levels.

    The absolute quickest way to knock out those first few levels is to secure the services on a level 70 with AoE (Pally, Mage, whatever), blitz the instances, and swap characters in and out as they level.

    I didn't realise HOW spectacular this was until I read a thread about it elsewhere on the forum and gave it a go this weekend with my 70 ice mage. Power-levelling extreme - I was agape at the result.

    But for your first team, definitely throw them together as early as possible, even if it's not necessarily going to give you the lowest /played time.

    Have fun!

  5. #5


    A quick update. I got them all to lvl 18 over the weekend. I did it with mostly quests which was a total pain in the ass since so many quests are collection ones. The other question i have is it easier to lvl 5 characters together via instances or quests, or a mix of both? My played time is extremely slow but i believe this is because i'm lvling 5 at one time. My combination is 1 war, 1 priest, 3 mages. It's been a lot of growing pains but i'm having fun so far. One thing that is somewhat annoying is the follow thing and target orientation. If i run in with my warrior and the mob gets behind me somehow, then all the guys on follow end up not facing the right direction. So it's a bit tricky at times. I'm thinking of going into deadmines with them all now at 18, but it might be still a bit low. Any ideas about faster/fastest 5 box would be appriciated. Ty for replies so far as well.

  6. #6


    Step 1) Get a mage buddy to port you to shattrath.
    Step 2) Set hearth at shattrath
    Step 3) Go to a major city. Do all noobie quests.
    Repeat step 3 for all major cities. (start with BE/Draenei starting areas, as they don't give you rep after you level, unlike the original starting races)

    Get lots of rep, skip all useless collection quests (do only the ones with easy drop rates or prereq's for a nice long quest chain)
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  7. #7


    The problem is, even as a single toon, unless you have double XP or you go to instances you're still going to need to travel. You just can't get it all in one area.

    My shammy started in azuremyst, went halfway thru bloodmyst and my eyes started burning out from the red landscape. Darkshore, then did a deadmines run and since I had gotten a summon I went and did a few easy westfall/redridge quests and got my SW and IF flightpaths. Hearth back to Darkshore, head to Ashenvale.

    After that, you really have to travel. I think I boated to Menethil (already had my IF flightpath, whee) then up to Southshore/Arathi.

    I avoid STV like the plague. PvP server. So most of my 30's was spent in SM.

    I think 5-boxers really only need the 1-20 questgrind before starting instances. 2/3/4-boxers might go for all quests.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyndree
    The problem is, even as a single toon, unless you have double XP or you go to instances you're still going to need to travel. You just can't get it all in one area.

    My shammy started in azuremyst, went halfway thru bloodmyst and my eyes started burning out from the red landscape. Darkshore, then did a deadmines run and since I had gotten a summon I went and did a few easy westfall/redridge quests and got my SW and IF flightpaths. Hearth back to Darkshore, head to Ashenvale.

    After that, you really have to travel. I think I boated to Menethil (already had my IF flightpath, whee) then up to Southshore/Arathi.

    I avoid STV like the plague. PvP server. So most of my 30's was spent in SM.

    I think 5-boxers really only need the 1-20 questgrind before starting instances. 2/3/4-boxers might go for all quests.
    So are you basically stating that if i'm 5 boxing, after 20 i'm pretty much looking at grinding instances all the way to 70? that seems like a lot of instancing and i see people on here with played times of around 12 days to 70 with a 5 box. Is that possible without high lvl help?

  9. #9


    It entirely depends on how much you want to quest, It also depends upon the makeup of your group. Questing to 70 is definately possible (and I'd recommend it) this is because of reputation, sure you *could* go and do all the reputation quests once you hit 70, but its quite likely that this would increase your /played time overall.

  10. #10


    Since I run almost the same group setup as you I shamelessly direct you to my blog
    and the videos linked.
    Feel free to ask about setup or macros.
    Also feel free to share your own ideas on this forum so we can all learn from each other.

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