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Showing results 301 to 310 of 396
  1. #301


    Just wanted to chime in and say thank you to the OP and everyone that put in information for this setup. I finally got around to doing this today for my quad Druids and I must say it's fantastic. Took me a while to get my head wrapped around it but once I did it was a piece of cake. I'm slowly moving all my attacks/heals/etc over to this setup as I level. :thumbsup:

    edit: Also, if there is anyone having trouble setting this up send me a PM and we can either link up on msn/aim or my vent server and I'll walk you through it. Maybe it was just me but the way it's explained isn't 100% clear so it took some time for me to get it. Wouldn't mind helping someone do this as it's a great way to go.
    Katso - 62 Paladin
    Innovindil - 61 Druid
    Innovindill - 61 Druid
    Inovindill - 61 Druid

    Galakrond Realm

  2. #302


    I'm just lost... I have been staring at this for four consecutive hours and I haven't even been able to make the follow macro work. If anyone can help, I would appreciate it. Apologies for the size and images but I wanted to provide as much info as possible...

    I have five chars:

    These are my keymaps:






    And once Keyclone has been started:

    For some reason it does not show the name of the keymap for cherzrc, cherzre and cherzrf, but it shows "^" instead. I think this is a bug, as the description when opening the keymap itself also shows as "^" even if I save it with a value in that field. Anyway, that shouldn't matter for now.

    These are my follow macros:

    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,nomod:shift,target=cherzrb]
    /say %t

    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:shift,nomod:alt,target=cherzra]
    /say %t

    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:shift,nomod:alt,target=cherzra]
    /say %t

    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:shift,nomod:alt,target=cherzra]
    /say %t

    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:shift,nomod:alt,target=cherzra]
    /say %t

    As you can see, I've removed the entries for the character in question (as explained in this post, to stay under the 255 char limit) and added "/say %t" to print my target... I tried this to debug and see what's going on.

    Here's what happens when I press F6:

    On cherzra, all the other guys follow him so it works. However, they do all say a bunch of garbage that's in the macro before printing the proper target of "cherzra." I have no idea why.

    On cherzrb, only cherzra follows. He says garbage, followed by saying the right target, which is similar to the situation above. Cherzrc, cherzre and cherzrf just say garbage and then when printing their target.

    On cherzrc, cherzre and cherzrf, nobody follows them and they all say the garbage and then .

    Can someone see what I'm doing wrong? It's very depressing to see people talking about cast sequences, formations etc while using FTL while I can't even begin to get my guys to follow...

    1. Why are my guys all saying the garbage from the macro (this happens even if I remove the "/say %t" I added to debug)?
    2. Why are they all following cherzra properly (even though they say garbage)?
    3. Why is only cherzra following cherzrb?
    4. Why is nobody following cherzrc, cherzre and cherzrf?
    5. Can someone confirm that Keyclone shows "^" in their keymaps for the last 3 out of 5 clients?

    Thank you!

    PS I've gone through my keybindings and removed just about everything that I could find, so I think that can be ruled out... there's nothing in any of my clients that points to either the "O" button or "F6" (I press F6 to follow, which is key mapped onto various combinations of O), and I've tried multiple keys instead of F6 as well

  3. #303


    First, I can't see your images right now because work is filtering those links. I will help with what I can though.

    Ok, the toons sending out the garbage chat is because you captured some hard returns in the first line. Copy the whole targeting conditionals to worpad (or similar) and go in there and remove any spaces between the brackets ][ . You don't want any of this crap ] [ , ok? Once you have them removed just paste in that first line over your old target conditionals.

    Make sure you have unbound F1-F5 in the blizz keybindings so you won't get targeting false positives in your troubleshooting. Manually clear all clone targets before testing your follow.

    Also make sure your regions and keymaps match to the correct account. You may need to make a simple chart to vet your settings.


    Region2-keymap2-wow2 etc..

    I had a similar problem and I had crosslinked my regions by mistake.

    The ^ showing seems to be a bug with the keymap not taking a new description after the first save. I have one like that also. I think I can manually edit the keymap file and fix it. I was able to remove a bad entry that way.

    If you entered your keymap correctly the follow should work. Good luck.

    edit: Make sure that the key you bind your macro to is a plain key with no mods. k, p, m etc.... that is the only way the macro conditionals can work.
    Guilds: Spirit of St Louis/Saint Louis
    US- Trollbane/Zuljin Horde and Alliance

  4. #304


    OMG.. you are my hero... I've spent hours and I just couldn't figure it out... it was the spaces between ][, everything works now. The wiki and post 1 of this topic should have mentioned that... they also contain the space.

    Thank you so much!!!

  5. #305


    Excellent! Now go get the rest of your macros setup. lol

    I am still at the follow macro step on mine because I have worked too many hours this weekend.
    Guilds: Spirit of St Louis/Saint Louis
    US- Trollbane/Zuljin Horde and Alliance

  6. #306


    ähm, sorry you had so much trouble, but the wiki does mention this, first in the first time the macro is explained and a second time in the 'troubleshooting'-section...

    ..but anyway, i'm glad it works for you know!
    OLIPCS - ordinary life is pretty complex stuff
    Pala, Priest, Druid, Hunter, Mage
    Focusless Targetless Leaderless - Wiki
    HotKeyNet - Guide

  7. #307


    Okey i have some issues after 3.0.2 and my new UI

    Everything worked fine pre patch and i use the exact same macros (since i got them stored in a txt file they are exactly the same)

    Okey so i play my toon 1 and starts to heal toon 2 using lesser healing wave and it works fine.

    However all my other toons heals Toon 1.

    Can it be something with my new UI? AG_unit ive heard people who had problem with this when they changed UI?

    But it still happens when i try to heal other targets as well and i tried to clear all other keys who use the "." key.
    Northrend Dungeon Hero -
    PvP incomming in 3.1

  8. #308

    Default downloadable examples


    thanks for the hard work everyone.

    I have spent hours reading these forums trying to work out how to implement it. I am sure it seams obvious to those who have got it working. could somone upload there files; they use that work please. so everyone can download it and simply edit it, to change to the key they use. starter files would include the files for getting 2 different cast keys working and the macros needed ingame. e.g. cast key 2 and 3 would be great. this way we/beginers can simply load the keymap file in keyclones 'command editor" and copy/paste the macro into the game and bind the noted key to it and have the first two keys working. Then we can copy/paste - edit for aditional keys.

    also i dont understand why my keyboard places a L or a R in front of the ctrl,shift,alt keys depending on weather i press the right or left key on the keyboard, the problem is that in wow it sees the key stoke as the key witout the ctrl,shift,alt key modifiers in front of it and simply treats it as pressing the final key. when i go to edit the file it has a number assigned to it that does not match the chart provided of availible keystrocks in wow.


  9. #309


    I'll give a quick example, but instead of pasting links to files, I'll paste the contents of the Keyclone keymap files and you'll have to make them into Keyclone files (detailed below).

    The first will deal with setting up a follow key.

    The follow key will be the ` (or grave accent) key, which is next to 1 on UK keyboards.

    The ingame macro key will be the ] (or close square bracket) key.

    NOTE: To convert the text in the code boxes below into a Keyclone keymap file, simply copy and paste the contents (in this case, the 6 lines) into a fresh notepad (only use notepad, not MS Word or Wordpad) file and name the file charactername.kcl (Obviously replacing charactername with your character's name, also, make sure that the file ends with .kcl and not .kcl.txt or something similar).

    Modifer Keys (for reference):
    Character1 will use Shift + Ctrl
    Character2 will use Alt
    Character3 will use Shift + Alt
    Character4 will use Shift
    Character5 will use Ctrl

    First, the Keyclone files for each of the 5 characters.

    If you want, you can replace the character# bits with your WoW character names, but it makes no difference other than being easier to read.

    This macro must be present ingame and the action button it is on must be bound to the ] key.
    MACRO 1 "Follow" Ability_Rogue_Sprint
    /target [mod:shift,mod:ctrl,target=Character1][mod:alt,target=Character2][mod:shift,mod:alt,target=Character3][mod:shift,target=Character4][mod:ctrl,target=Character5]
    Here, you will need to replace the character# with the names of your characters, the modifiers need to match those used in the Keyclone files.

    Load the keymap files (see below) onto their respective WoW client and try it out. This should work, but let me know if you encounter any problems.

    If it works, I'll post another example.

    Make sure that the ` and ] keys are NOT in the do-not-pass list within Keyclone.
    » Check that the ingame macro is correct, the second line (the one that starts with /target) needs to be all on one line (check the WoW macros-cache.txt files in your /World of Warcraft/WTF/Account/AccountName/ServerName/CharacterName folder)
    » Remember to load the keymap files and be sure that they are loaded onto the correct WoW client.

    As someone asked me how to load the keymaps in Keyclone, I figured I'd post this here too
    The first way to load a keymap is to right click on one of the WoW instances in the keyclone main window and click "Load Keymap", then select the one you want to load.

    The second and best way to do it is to use commands, click Setup (on the Keyclone main window) then goto the Command Editor in the side menu, from there, you just specify the installation directory, the keymap you want to load, the screen region (set up in the maximiser tab), then just enter your account names (I blurred mine out).

    Then! The important bit: On the main keyclone window is the command box (next to the connect button at the bottom). In the command box, you need to type the commands you want to run, seperate by semi-colons, then hit enter.

    In my case, I'd enter the code below into the command box.

    To Illustrate:

    If you do it right, keyclone will look something like this after loading the WoW clients:

  10. #310


    I don't understand why this isn't written in such detail on the wiki or maybe it is and I just didn't see it. But on the macro page of the wiki the FTL setup is like 2 simple macros haha.
    Dragonmaw - Alliance

    80's - 5 Shaman - Aarggh - Barghh - Cargghh - Daargghh - Gaargghh, 1 DK Rottinggarg, Priest Aargghh, Druid Intestine, Locks Aargghhjr Illidanjr Diablogurl.

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