Quote Originally Posted by Thaeds
Consider it an exercise for my brain if you like. When I played EQ I would often play 3 characters in high stress situations, IE warrior, enchanter and cleric in a 6 person group. Being the only healer, CC and tank, and managing it makes me think that this is possible.

The only real addition is to be able to move more than one character at a time, which will take awhile to get used to, but I have forever.

Learning to use a mouse with my left hand might be hard, Joystick then? I don't mind learning left handed mouse anyway.

As far as not having enough spells, using a footpedal with 4 shift states a 15 button mouse could have ~60 keys bound to it! Seems like enough. Finding a decent mouse with 15 buttons might be tricky though.

Don't get me wrong I don't like the idea of my spells bound on a mouse, or a joystick for that matter... I just can't think of a better alternative. =\.
when you played EQ you alt-tabbed between chars, its different

moving with 2 characters at different directions without losing full control on the is much harder
for human it is pretty hard to even move your own body to different directions. I mean for example there are exercises where you do circle movements with one hand clockwise and with other hand - opposite direction. Thats pretty hard, isnt it?

Controlling 2 different characters for me seems almost the same, you gotta run in the same to the left and to the right and even more comples movements.
I mean you gotta move your left mouse to the right and in the same time move your right mouse to the right and backwards. gg