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Herding Khats

What Keeps a Khat up At Night?

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Multiboxing is what keeps me up nights. Even when I'm not multiboxing, I end up thinking about multiboxing. Most of the time it's not actually playing that I think about, it's figuring out how to do stuff. I've spent many a long night laying in bed in the dark, writing HotKeyNet scripts in my head. The sick part is I get all giddy about it and have an even worse time trying to sleep because I want to get up and try whatever I was thinking about.

Last time I got something in my head, Gathering via Interact with Mouseover was born.

This time, I decided to tackle boss loot. It's just another one of those things that gets to be a real pain after a while. Who can use this piece of gear?

My previous means of dealing with it was scaling my tooltips up on my slaves, but there's only so big they will go and I'd usually end up swapping screens anyway. And it had the added drawback of the tooltips staying visible on my slaves, and that was just distracting.

Last night my brain started working. What I wanted was a way to make everyone show the tooltip and the item comparison for the loot window to make sorting who gets what a little easier. Then I decided what I really want is to be able to see all of those tooltips in one place instead of having to squint at the slave screens.

Today I have it. It may not be the most beautiful thing in the world, but it works and that's all I care about. I'll probably pretty it up a bit and maybe consolidate some of it tomorrow, but here's the rough version :


//             PIP CONFIG 
//* PiP Config
<Command SetPip>
	<TargetWin %2%>
		<SetWinSize 1286  703>
		<Wait 10>
		<SetWinPos  690 0>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %3%>
		<SetWinSize 1286  703>
		<Wait 10>
		<SetWinPos  690 500>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %4%>
		<SetWinSize 1286  703>
		<Wait 10>
		<SetWinPos  1290 0>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %5%>
		<SetWinSize 1286  703>
		<Wait 10>
		<SetWinPos  1290 500>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %1%>
		<SetWinPos 0 0>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %2%>
		<Wait 10>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %3%>
		<Wait 10>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %4%>
		<Wait 10>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %5%>
		<Wait 10>
		<Wait 10>
	<TargetWin %1%>
		<SetWinRegion 690 0 600 1200>
		<SetWinRegion 1290 0 600 1200>

<Hotkey VolumeDown>
	<SendLabel w1, w2, w3, w4, w5>
		<KeyDown Shift>
		<Clickmouse NoClick>
	<SendLabel w1, w2, w3, w4, w5>
		<KeyUp Shift>
		<Clickmouse NoClick>

//* PiP Hotkey
<Hotkey VolumeUp>
		<SetPip WoW1 WoW2 WoW3 WoW4 WoW5>
		<ResizeAndPosition WoW1 WoW2 WoW3 WoW4 WoW5>
		<TargetWin WoW1>
		<SetWinRegion none>
So, for those of you who care and want me to explain it {lol} first I set up HotKeyNet's Picture in Picture code. I'm using it to basically chop a gaping hole in the middle of my main screen. Then I'm resizing the slave screens so they're about 2/3rds the size of my main screen and jamming a section of each {the loot window location + space for the tooltips} into the hole in the main screen.

Next is my "Hover Mouse" section. Breaking up shift so that I actually have to toggle it off allows me to send the modified mouse {shift + hover} and makes it so the mouse doesn't register as having moved offscreen or something. So basically, the tooltip and item compare "Stick" so I can still see them even as the mouse moves to the other screens.

The last bit toggles between the large PiP setup and my smaller normal setup. Toggling into PiP moves all my nice happy tooltips right into one central location.

Here's some pictures!

Name:  loot1.jpg
Views: 314
Size:  126.7 KB

This is just the normal layout. Main screen on monitor1, 4 slaves on monitor 2.

Name:  loot2.png
Views: 348
Size:  1.06 MB
This one shows the tooltip action without the PiP action.

Name:  loot3.png
Views: 362
Size:  1.01 MB
And here's the big, effective, yet ugly finale. All the slaves are scaled up and placed into the master screen, so I have all 5 toons' tooltips and comparisons together. And because the screens are all actually right there, I can just click the "winner" to bring up the full screen to loot and equip.

Updated 06-19-2015 at 04:35 AM by Khatovar



  1. Apps's Avatar
    I really wasnt sure what the content of this blog was going to be, "what does indeed keep Khat up at night..." hence I clicked on it...

    "Oh! its about multiboxing... ah, ok.
  2. Khatovar's Avatar
    Haha, a lot of other things keep me up too, but I don't think anyone's interested in my thoughts about something someone said when I was 5 or what I'm supposed to do with all that spinach in the fridge.
  3. JackBurton's Avatar
  4. Khatovar's Avatar
    That doesn't give any useful information IMO. Maybe it's good for people running all the same class using all the same gear, but I run mixed teams where I need to see the actual stat changes. iLvl tells me nothing.