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What crazy people really think

  1. Tera, it's like other games but better

    by , 02-01-2012 at 10:49 AM (Tech news, project updates, and games games gamesssssssssss)
    Game, Set and Match

  2. So there I was, playing ping pong in Ding Dang

    by , 02-01-2012 at 10:25 AM (Tech news, project updates, and games games gamesssssssssss)
    So Operation Hide From Mother, Sister and Grandmother While They Plan A Wedding is in full effect.

    Phase 1: Say, "Why don't you guys go into town and visit the shops directly instead of calling, seeing it first hand may sway your opinion and there is always a chance for the Locals Discount(it's a real thing here)".

    Phase 2: When they are gone, take of pants.

    Phase 3: Haven't made it this far in planning yet.
    Tags: crum, drinking, nude Add / Edit Tags
  3. Have you ever so much as to not even?

    by , 01-31-2012 at 12:35 PM (Tech news, project updates, and games games gamesssssssssss)
    MiRai and I have been PvP'ing a lot together as rogues. Here is a Screenshot of a WSG we had together

    And here is MiRai and I hanging out in town...

  4. Confessions of an Altiholic

    by , 01-31-2012 at 11:32 AM (Tech news, project updates, and games games gamesssssssssss)
    Well, I saw this new blog thingy (new to me) so I thought I would try and spice up all of your lives!

    Firstly, not many may know me, but my nickname is Crum, which I got while serving overseas in Iraq. My last name is Marcrum, and apparently that is too difficult to say, so it was shortened to Crum. Usually there is 1515 following it, which originates from my love of Bacardi 151, with an extra 5 to denote the perfect number of shots needed before going out to a club. 4 or less and ...
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