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Ebony's Blog

My Blog off me mostey Hex boxing WoW maybe some other cool stuff who knows.

  1. Warlocks Beta Build 15544

    So am in beta now got in with the 250k invites a small thing i find out is u can logon multiple times so why not get some beta boxing going right?


    We can TALK as meta to meta and understand it!!

    Updated 04-10-2012 at 08:30 PM by ebony

    Mop Beta
  2. Transmogrification Gear

    So after about ten weeks trying to get my full (ok itams you can see) i manged to get the last head i needed for my t6 warlock set on all my gnomes

    Then find a nice staff


    Updated 04-16-2012 at 10:03 PM by ebony

    WoW stuff