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  1. Khat Fishing

    Not too long ago, I mentioned in IRC that I'd hit Zen Master Fishing on my whole team. In the interest of having something to post, I decided to blog a little about fishing.

    Granted, this isn't anything new. You can find posts random posts going back forever on multiboxing fishing, so it's not really a how-to post. It's just a random time-waster post about my experience with it.


    It's ...
  2. Multiboxing via the Mifi 2200,Hughes, and Wildblue.

    Hi Friends, I figured I'd give a review of the Mifi 2200.

    Now this is older tech, given that it runs on a 3G network, but this is what I have came to know about it.

    I grabbed mine for 20 bucks at the Virgin Mobile store, and then paid another 55 bucks for 5 gig of air time.

    Background: I have used both, Hughes and Wild blue in the past, and currently use Wildblue for the majority of my boxing needs.

    One important thing to keep in mind, is I live ...
  3. ROTMG with ISBoxer

    Since I didn't already have any characters started in a multiboxable (is that a word?) game, I asked Lax what the easiest game would be to try out ISBoxer. He said the quickest and smallest game to download is Realm of the Mad God. He even pointed me to the setup guide and video: How to Multibox a Flash Game. Sweet, a video!

    I read the guide and watched the video, and I was excited that it only takes about 3 minutes to get set up and going to multibox ROTMG with ISBoxer. However, I ...
  4. Here goes nothing...

    This is going to be a different sort of blog than the others on here because, well, I have no idea what I'm doing when it comes to anything about multiboxing. Join me on my journey as I learn about the world of multiboxing. You other noobs might be able to relate to my musings, and those who are experienced multiboxers can have a good laugh at my expense.

    Let me start with a little bit of background information. Although I've never really multiboxed before, I'm not entirely new to ...
  5. Downtime, whooties!

    I know, downtime is not generally met with serious cheers, but in this case, it means I get to actually stop playing and make a blog post. I have been totally sucking at that lately.

    Really, it's probably too early for me to open my mouth, but I've already been kept busy with this expansion longer than I was with Cata, so that's a win right there.

    This time around I went out of my way to avoid dungeons. I only ran 3 out of the 4 non-heroics while leveling - and by ...

    Updated 06-19-2015 at 04:31 AM by Khatovar

    Tags: leveling, melee, mists, pve Add / Edit Tags
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