View Full Version : [WoW] Dual-Boxing Powerleveling Class Guide

08-09-2007, 12:26 PM
World of Warcraft Dual-Boxing Powerleveling Class Guide

Hello, all. Admittedly, I am new to these forums and have only been dual-boxing in WoW for a few months, but I thought compiling some observations for the beginner or prospective dual-boxer might be a good idea. Since I will be powerleveling, not muling or farming, I am writing from that perspective. As far as I know, there are two types of powerleveling: team leveling, in which two or more characters of similar levels are questing/grinding together, and carebear leveling, in which a high-level companion follows a low-level main who is doing the quests/grinds.

WoW is a great game for more than a few reasons, but one of their developers put in some previously unknown hurdles for dual-boxers bent on powerleveling. Let's take a look:

I remember one time in Everquest, when my lowly 18 Ranger in Eastern Commonlands was targeted by a passing high-level druid. Taking pity on my grinding, she cast Skin Like Diamond on me. It was the most glorious 15 minutes of my sad little toon's existence. High-level buffs can catapult a character to greatness: just imagine a top rank Thorns on a level 5 Warrior. Unfortunately, Blizzard thought of this and downranks your spell to the target's level. So a 70 Druid can cast a top rank Thorns on a level 5 Warrior, but the spell will automatically downgrade to a rank 1 Thorns. Conclusion: for buffs, team leveling is just as good as carebear leveling; in fact, it's better, as you're leveling two toons at a time.
Blizzard also has scaled XP, which means as you go up in levels, the experience you get from a static mob goes down. At grey, a mob will no longer reward XP, and if you kill something which normally would give you XP (green-red) in a party with someone who would not receive XP, Blizzard considers the kill "unchallenging" and will only give you nominal XP for it. So carebear levelers cannot group together: just being nearby will not affect your low-level character's XP. This is irritating because some of the best abilities require you to be in a group: Paladin or other class auras, Power Word: Shield, and Shaman totems. But we will persevere.
WoW has a concept called "tagging", in which the first person or party who damages a mob claims it, and will receive all experience and loot. Since carebear levelers cannot group, the lowbie must damage the mob first in order to get XP at all. But even beyond that, WoW scales your XP based on what percentile of damage you do to the tagged mob, meaning your 10 Hunter cannot tag a 50 elite, then get the XP after your 70 Mage pyroblasts it. So carebear levelers will have to rely on their high-level characters for support and non-damaging offensive abilities only.

Carebear Leveling High-Level Classes, from Best to Worst

Paladin: by far and away, the best carebear to have. First, he can heal, resurrect, and Cleanse. Second, Blessings are versatile buffs for whatever class he needs to support. Third, Righteous Defense can keep up to 3 mobs off of you at a time. And last, and somehow best, is a Paladin's non-offensive Judgment of Wisdom, which can help Priests, Shamen, and Hunters regain mana quickly.
Priest: very good support capabilities. Again, he can heal, resurrect, cure disease and magic effects, and adds the Power Word: Fortitude buff, which is very handy. As above, it is a big crutch that he will be unable to Power Word: Shield your lowbie without being in a party, but acceptable. Psychic Scream more than makes up for it, to keep mobs away from the ranged or caster lowbies. Last, don't forget that Shadow-specced Priests have Silence.
Druid: great support, especially for melee. A druid's heal-over-times are superior, can cure poisons and curses, and Mark of the Wild and Thorns are great buffs. He can only resurrect once every 30 minutes, though. Bear/Dire Bear form plus his Growl, Demoralizing Roar, and Challenging Roar lets him keep mobs off your lowbie very well with little damage to himself. Also, this is the first class with some form of crowd control: Hibernate works on beasts. Don't forget to use Faerie Fire for melee support, but avoid Entangling Roots as it damgages your target slightly.
Shaman: somewhat good. He can heal and resurrect, but not being in a party hurts since you cannot get any major benefit from his totems. Stoneclaw and Earthbind totems seem to work well, as does Purge. Water Breathing and Water Walk are good occasionally.
Warlock: king of the crowd control. He can't heal you, which is a big step down, but he can Fear and Seduce while you kill, so you shouldn't be taking much damage. Curse of Tongues, Weakness, Exhaustion, and Elements all do not damage the target, and will not be downranked, so fire away.
Warrior: slap on Defensive Stance, and get ready to taunt. Battle and Commanding Shouts require a party, so literally the best thing you can do is keep the mob off your lowbie. Use Bloodrage then Taunt, Demoralizing Shout, and Challenging Shout. Hamstring works to keep them in range, but make sure you don't damage them.
Mage: starting to get pretty bad. Mages can Polymorph, summon food and water, and buff Intellect, but after that almost all of their abilities affect themselves or damage their targets. Avoid Frost Nova for the latter reason.
Hunter: no buffs. Freezing Trap and Improved Hunter's Mark are the only things worthwhile here.
Rogue: Sap only.

Team Leveling Combinations

What you're looking to avoid here is one toon who needs to stay at range, most notably hunters, and one who needs to be up close.

Druid/Druid: one bear, one cat, no problems.
Druid/Hunter: pet tanks, cat and ranged dps.
Druid/Mage: bear tanks, mage dps but not enough to pull agro.
Druid/Paladin: ret pally tanks, cat dps.
Druid/Priest: shadow priest will pull agro no matter what, so keep it flayed during cat dps.
Druid/Rogue: cat and rogue stunlock for the win; use Cheap Shot -> Pounce -> Kidney Shot.
Druid/Shaman: try grace of air and strength of earth for hot cat dps.
Druid/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, cat dps.
Druid/Warrior: fury war tanks, cat dps.
Hunter/Hunter: use dps pets and go all out, nothing will ever reach your hunters' melee range.
Hunter/Mage: pet tanks, both dps.
Hunter/Paladin: do not use.
Hunter/Priest: keep it flayed or feared, with a dps pet.
Hunter/Rogue: do not use.
Hunter/Shaman: unless you can stomach the elemental tree and stay at range, do not use.
Hunter/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, ranged dps.
Hunter/Warrior: do not use.
Mage/Mage: try to vary your builds for double debuffs.
Mage/Paladin: difficult, but let your ret pally get a little agro before your mage attacks.
Mage/Priest: deadly combination; keep it flayed or feared.
Mage/Rogue: keep it stunlocked while spamming frostbolt.
Mage/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your mage attacks.
Mage/Warlock: deadly combination; voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, spam frostbolts.
Mage/Warrior: use defensive stance if you have trouble holding agro, but berserker should be fine.
Paladin/Paladin: are you retarded?
Paladin/Priest: try to keep the ret pally tanking, keep it flayed.
Paladin/Rogue: backstabs galore!
Paladin/Shaman: windfury + seal of command = critastic.
Paladin/Warlock: ret pally tanks, dot dot dot with Succubus or Imp pet.
Paladin/Warrior: fury war and ret pally won't take much damage.
Priest/Priest: deadly combination; consider one build with Shadow Weaving and another with Blackout.
Priest/Rogue: keep it stunlocked and flayed.
Priest/Shaman: difficult, but let your shaman build a little agro before your priest attacks.
Priest/Warlock: deadly combination; double the fears, double the dots.
Priest/Warrior: defensive stance will be necessary to hold agro.
Rogue/Rogue: stunlock it but always have one rogue backstabbing.
Rogue/Shaman: deadly combination; windfury stunlock for easy kills.
Rogue/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot, backstab when you can.
Rogue/Warrior: keep it stunlocked with a fury war ripping it up.
Shaman/Shaman: unefficient, but use two enhancement builds for quick kills.
Shaman/Warlock: voidwalker tanks, dot dot dot during windfury dps.
Shaman/Warrior: windfury'd fury war facemelts so well he barely needs the shaman to attack.
Warlock/Warlock: Succubus and Imp/Felhound until you both get Felguards, then don't even bother dotting. :)
Warlock/Warrior: voidwalker tanks in front of fury war, dot dot dot.
Warrior/Warrior: double your fury war, double your fun.


Macros are your friend on your carebear. Use the /castsequence reset=X command whenever possible so you're not wasting time trying to remember where you left your flash heal, and put /target Lowbie /follow at the end all you can to make sure you're riding his ass like Zorro.
PvP Servers: your carebear will naturally scare away most gankers, but other highbies will naturally be attracted to you. My carebear toolbar setup is limited (full of targeted macros), so I can very rarely successfully defend myself. Sometimes it's best to switch to another toon after dying, because your attacker will assume (and rightfully so) that you're a pushover and may stick around for a few more kills.

The $64,000 Question

There are only three singular possibilities for powerleveling, either with a carebear or a team:

Questing. Advantage: huge experience bonuses for quest lines, some of which are extremely easy. Disadvantage: long amounts of running from place to place.
Grinding Non-Elites. Advantage: mindless, low risk, good loot drop rates. Disadvantage: because you'll be killing so quickly, there are few spots that offer the low respawn timers necessary to keep you active at all times.
Grinding Elites (inside instance or not). Advantage: great loot drop rates, higher XP per kill. Disadvantage: increased risk from adds, tougher kills.

Which method is fastest? I don't know. I have a character of every class at various levels, and I level them all strictly by quests only because I enjoy the quests and got my fill of grinding in other MMOs. Certainly, watching the Chinese powerleveling practices might reveal something we don't know, but they operate on a different set value system: they are motivated by compensation. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

Please feel free to sticky or post suggestions. Thanks!


08-10-2007, 12:46 PM
dam good guide wish i would have found it sooner.

08-29-2007, 06:24 PM
Druid/Shaman: windfury'd cat dps, yum.

Pretty sure cat's don't benefit from windfury, or any of the other weapon-buff totems (flametongue totem, etc).

Druid tanking with occasional heals from an enhancement shammy would be pretty nice though.

08-29-2007, 06:26 PM
yep cat/bear doesnt get bonus from windfury

08-29-2007, 11:42 PM
I've been working on this for a while, so let me share some things:

First, for reference, I have 2 70s: A bear spec druid (my raiding main) and a BM hunter. I only use the druid for "carebearing".

Things that I have discovered:

1. Heals do not downrank. In particular druids are amazing as you can stack up a bunch of HOTs on a low level that can easily do more healing in a tick than his total hps. I literally follow my mage around while he gathers up groups of mobs to arcane explosion down and keep the HOTs on him. He is almost invincible with even cons and +2/+3s. It's also pretty neat to watch.
2. In low level instances a bear spec druid with ILOTP is the best you can get (heal yourself 4% on every crit no more often than every 6 seconds). I often get a low level, group with them, and then run through an instance (Stockades is the best), gather up everything that I can find, then just swipe away. The mobs do very little damage, which is easily healed by ILOTP. I just gather up 30 or so and swipe until they are all dead. The XP is pretty good.
3. Thorns is reflect damage and does not count as 'tagging'. In fact it doesn't count towards YOUR damage at all. As stated in the original post, you get the % damage you did of experience. What I've found is that things will die of thorns, but I get no XP, so I always leave it off (druids unfortunately have no GOOD AOE attack (I don't count cyclone, but might be good for a moonkin (probably not though because many mobs, particularly in Stockades will spell interrupt)).
4. There seems to be some kind of "average level" to determine how much XP you get. What I do is try to get random people to group with me. I bring them in and our characters get more XP (a little, but it's enough).
5. I have yet to find any super fast way to level an alt this way. It's faster than doing it alone, but not 2x. Generally I have a few alts, wait for them to get lots of blue bar, and then run them through an instance 2 or 3 times. It's pretty fast, but you don't learn your new character at all this way. I personally find it to be kind of relaxing to mindlessly run through an instance where I cannot possibly be hurt, but only so many times.

09-04-2007, 04:40 AM
How would 2x hunters and a pala work out? Pala being purely support.

09-04-2007, 04:47 AM
How would 2x hunters and a pala work out? Pala being purely support.

hunters don't need that much support.

Hunters can heal their pets

they got their pet as a tank


Hunter is perfect to play alone or together with a warlock (both pets on the mob, autoshot with the hunter, some dots of the warlock und watching the mob getting down)

09-04-2007, 05:48 AM
Well the pala got good buffs :-) And I think it would be awesome to box 3 dwarf females just for something different. So maybe shadowpriest/hunter/hunter is good?

09-04-2007, 06:05 AM
. So maybe shadowpriest/hunter/hunter is good?

much better than a pally :)

shadowpriest is a caster so it's easier to handle in multiboxing.
he gives mana and life while attacks the mob.

for elite quests you can switch out of the shadow form and heal the tank-pet while the hunters attack. should be a good combi.

09-06-2007, 03:25 PM
Edit--Ooops, sorry, forgot this was a power-leveling guide for dual-boxers when I first posted this. Hmmmm. In that case you will need help from a high level friend who has a warlock if you are dual playing a couple of lowbies.

Warlocks can be taken up a notch or two as high-level helpers under these conditions:

1) You have at least 2 lowbies grouped together in a party.

2) You have 1 or more high-level warlocks, preferably with Felguard pets, NOT grouped with the lowbies.

3) You tag a mob with the lowbie.

4) You kill the mob with JUST the Warlock pet(s) -- don't use any damaging warlock spells.

5) You get FULL XP for the kill -- split between your lowbies of course.

I'm currently doing this with two 60 level warlocks helping 2 mages who have just reached 30.

At some point as I level I'm sure it will take too long for the pets to finish off the mobs without some additional aid from the mages. That's fine as I'll start using the pets mostly as tanks for the mages. When I get about 10 or so levels away from the warlocks, the mages can then start tagging mobs and then I can use the full power of the warlocks to make kills and get full XP (as long as the mob is not grey to the warlocks).

I guess this works for high level hunter pets too, but I don't have any to try it with.

09-06-2007, 05:32 PM
So they dont have to be green to the lock like normal? You can help any lower lvl by tagging mobs and kill it with an unpartied higher level to whom the mobs are still green. The lower lvl will get full xp. But you are saying that if you use the locks pet the level difference doesnt matter?

09-07-2007, 10:45 AM
To LOS: That's correct. You can use a Warlocks pet to help lower level characters get full XP even if the mob is not green to the Warlock. You MUST have at least 2 lowbies in a group. It does not work when you have just one lowbie.

Edit: instead of two lowbies, you can group a high character with a lowbie. Keep the high character outside of XP range from your kills, but close enough so that WoW still sees them as grouped. Your lowbie will get full XP for the kills.

Edit: BTW, I don't take credit for discovering this. It was discussed in some post on this site some time back, but that post is probably buried pretty deep now. But I'm sure taking advantage of it!!!!

09-07-2007, 03:02 PM
actually did find a post conceirning something like that, but I only searched for the info with the greenny bit and the not to high level difference. This however gives me a oppertunity to lvl 4 priests with my lock :P

09-07-2007, 08:18 PM
That's fascinating.

So just to be sure that I'm clear, these are the rules:

1. XP receiving player must be grouped.
2. XP receiving group must tag the mob.
3. Mob must be killed with a method that does not count against the player (pet damage, reflect damage, etc).

So, I conclude from this that your relative XP really is a percentage of the amount of counted damage that you did to the mob. Since pet damage doesn't count, the group that tagged the mob did 100% of the counted damage.

09-08-2007, 07:30 AM
4 High level Warlocks + 1 Lowbie = win?

09-08-2007, 07:54 AM
leave the high level out of the group and pewpew the mobsies = loads of xp :)

09-17-2007, 03:53 PM
Olibri -- Yeah I think you got it.

Wilbur -- No, 3 High Level Warlocks + 2 Lowbies = WIN.

The IT Monkey
09-17-2007, 04:00 PM
no no no

(4 x mages) + 1 Priest + Pizza + (12 x New Castle) = Sunday

09-17-2007, 07:11 PM
no no no

(4 x mages) + 1 Priest + Pizza + (12 x New Castle) = Sunday

/me sighs

Your Maths is flawed.

To simplify

Pizza = Win

09-17-2007, 09:52 PM
And I bet after all that ... Chuck Norris still wins !!!

09-17-2007, 10:20 PM
LOL Monkey, that was our sunday wasn't it?

10-02-2007, 01:20 PM
I'm curious at your reasoning for this being "unefficient"? I'm currently doing exactly this (22 atm), and I can tear through just about anything in my level range. I'm even considering adding a third shaman to the mix.

First off, I'm not sure how I actually mistyped "inefficient". I was using Textpad. My apologies.

Second, the best thing about dual-boxing in WoW is that there are so many classes that have complimentary abilities. Judgment of Wisdom is a perfect example with your Shamen: a Shaman is constantly hounded by when to use his expensive abilities from a weak mana pool versus stopping to drink. If coupled with a Paladin, however, the Judgment will keep him at full mana all the time in either carebear or team leveling!

I am quite sure that two of any class will be able to rip up any nonelite that comes their way. But for getting to 70, complimentary classes will shave hours off your time. The only thing a two or three Shamen combination will have going for it is having your Enhancement build using Stormstrike and your Elemental build subsequently spamming Lightning Bolts. I guess they will also be quick on the move with Ghost Wolf. Support totems do not stack. Neither does Unleashed Rage. AoE pulls are impossible. Thinking about how to dual-box kite has literally just given me a nosebleed. If you're considering adding a third class, consider Paladin.

10-02-2007, 01:50 PM
With 2x shammies, you can do two different support totems of the same type (like two earth totems). With 3x shammies, you can add a third type to the mix. I'm not sure if going higher would add more "buff" benefit (4x or 5x shammies)

I have my three shammies setup to each throw a different totem of the same class (like earth), but a differnet buff (ie: stoneskin and strength at same time, and the third shammie throws earthbind to prevent runners).

I'm still considerign throwing a pally into the mix for buffs, but ghost wolf is so nice at level 20! :)

While this may appear great right now, I can assure you that the Stoneskin Totem's effectiveness drops significantly after level 20-30 and the Earthbind Totem is easily replaced with Frost Shock or Frostbrand Weapon.

Improved Leader of the Pack, Judgment of Wisdom, a Combat Rogue or Fury Warrior with Windfury, Improved Hunter's Mark, or any of the massive damage capabilities of the cloth classes while you tank will by far outweigh the benefits of casting multiple totems of the same element.

11-20-2007, 12:39 AM
Paladin/Paladin: are you retarded?

I lol'd when I read this but then thought, hm, why not give it a try, turns out for pve this actually isn't such a bad combo, you'll have two auras on, two blessings, enemies can be judged twice (keeping them from fleeing if they do and something else) .. and the downtime would be zero since mana regen won't be a problem with palis.

now the only downside of this combo might be the slow-ish grind, but that's what aoe tanking is for I guess.. (1 holy, the other prot..).

I had fun with the 2 blood elves tbh.

Trying to figure out the rogues next ;-)

12-14-2007, 08:13 AM

12-14-2007, 04:50 PM
So if two toons are grouped together and a high level hunter follows behind and ONLY sends the pet in to do damage, would the toons get full XP? (Assuming the hunter is not grouped and the toons tag the mob first?)

70 pet could most likely do a fair amount of damage to lower level mobs in a quick fashion...

12-14-2007, 07:05 PM
So if two toons are grouped together and a high level hunter follows behind and ONLY sends the pet in to do damage, would the toons get full XP? (Assuming the hunter is not grouped and the toons tag the mob first?)

70 pet could most likely do a fair amount of damage to lower level mobs in a quick fashion...

That is correct. it has to do with the fact that if a player's pet kills a mob solo the owner gets no exp. So as long as the pet kills the mob w/o help from its owner then teh lowbies should get 100% of it because the hunter cant get any of it so no % is shared for the damage. Best bet for this is find a BM hunter with a cat or similar dps pet. heck my pet can solo lvl 70mobs it would make quick work of lowbie ones lol.

12-14-2007, 08:51 PM
It does work, but with 5 men in a group (and hunter up front) it goes fast but thats about it. Pets have a speed increase but that has a long cd, your better off questing imo

12-14-2007, 09:26 PM
It does work, but with 5 men in a group (and hunter up front) it goes fast but thats about it. Pets have a speed increase but that has a long cd, your better off questing imo

Don't BM Hunters get that passive outdoor speed increase talent?

12-15-2007, 12:30 PM
No, Hunter pets do not work with this. I made a newbie hunter and brought my 70 hunter down to the starter area to try this; Newb tags mobs, pet kills, 11-20exp. Newb tags and kills alone, 65+ exp. Same mob type, same lvl, no assists from the hunter itself whatsoever.

HOWEVER! I've borrowed a friend's Warlock for my twin shamen back around lv16-17 and let them tag mobs then send VW in - it worked just fine, full exp. I'm assuming the difference is because of changes they made to pets recently where you didn't get credit for loot if yer pet did the killing(I know my druid's Treants killed stuff and I couldn't loot them); though the flaw with that possibility is they're both technically pets; one's just more permanent than the other lol

The only other possibility is that on my hunter, I was 1 70 and 1 newbie; whereas with the twins I had a third highbie doing the killing and the shamen were partied together.

Back on topic, I had a guildie run me through library a couple of times; got 222 rested + group exp per kill, 111ish without rested exp @ lv35. SM is quite the powerlvling playground if you can do it :P

12-17-2007, 12:38 AM
No, Hunter pets do not work with this. I made a newbie hunter and brought my 70 hunter down to the starter area to try this; Newb tags mobs, pet kills, 11-20exp. Newb tags and kills alone, 65+ exp. Same mob type, same lvl, no assists from the hunter itself whatsoever.

HOWEVER! I've borrowed a friend's Warlock for my twin shamen back around lv16-17 and let them tag mobs then send VW in - it worked just fine, full exp. I'm assuming the difference is because of changes they made to pets recently where you didn't get credit for loot if yer pet did the killing(I know my druid's Treants killed stuff and I couldn't loot them); though the flaw with that possibility is they're both technically pets; one's just more permanent than the other lol

The only other possibility is that on my hunter, I was 1 70 and 1 newbie; whereas with the twins I had a third highbie doing the killing and the shamen were partied together.

Back on topic, I had a guildie run me through library a couple of times; got 222 rested + group exp per kill, 111ish without rested exp @ lv35. SM is quite the powerlvling playground if you can do it :P

well that is why it was very specifically stated that you had to make a party with the lowbies, it doesnt work if you are not in a group of 2+ lowbies +1 hunter

12-19-2007, 06:21 PM
So I was thinking that the least hassle for straight power leveling would be to just have four toons and one 70 in a group. Toons can just basically be put on follow and the 70 can slaughter quick. I know there's a drain having a high level character in the mix, but would that be offset enough because of the full group? (And of course the speedy nature of the clearing...)

Just wondering if this would be just as fast a leveling experience as 5 boxing 5 low level characters, given that you should be able to tear through the mobs at a much higher clip...


12-23-2007, 01:18 AM
Shaman/Shaman: unefficient, but use two enhancement builds for quick kills.

I'm curious at your reasoning for this being "unefficient"? I'm currently doing exactly this (22 atm), and I can tear through just about anything in my level range. I'm even considering adding a third shaman to the mix.

I agree, I am currently using 4 shamans and they are ridiculously quick.

elemental shamans rip through most mobs in one volley of lightning and a couple shocks if needed.

01-03-2008, 04:42 AM
The warlock pet killing technique wasn't working for me. I tried it with all pets (except felguard) and I tried it grouped and ungrouped.

My warlock is lvl 66 and I was testing this out with a level 4 shammie. I'd tag the mob with my shammie and then send the warlock pet in. Every time I got less than half the exp I'd get had I killed it solo.

Is there some trick to this warlock pet power leveling?

01-03-2008, 10:02 AM
I think the pet trick only works with 2 or more lowbies, as I had no exp when killing with my hunter's pet when it was 70 hunter + lowbie hunter, but when I logged on a 70 lock with the diablo twins back around lv16 I got full exp per kill + group bonus; the group bonus seems to be the key and it only kicks in when the party has 3 or more people.

01-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Thanks for the info. I only two boxed it because I was just testing it out. I'll give the three box a try.

01-09-2008, 04:27 PM
What have you found to be the best profession combination for 2 characters?

I would imagine that you'd pick up a gathering skill on each char (i.e. one has mining and one has herbalism). Both chars would walk up to the node and try to loot, but only one would be able to do it.

Assuming that most people who are going to start dual boxing have higher level alts that already have crafting professions, it also makes sens to pick up the 3rd gathering profession on one of the chars (leatherworking).

That leaves one final profession to pick up. I guess at this point, it just depends on what professions your alts have, and what you hope to make endgame.

01-11-2008, 07:56 AM
I've tried the 2 lowbie partied and 1 high level trick and can say it's jaw droppingly good. I have a 70 NE hunter and just started to box 3 undead mages recently so I thought I'd give it a go.

I created 2 new NE hunters and partied up. Worked like a charm. The humanoid camps (Furries + Gelkis) respawn so fast that you basically stand in one spot with your lowbie and tag + send high level pet. After killing gelkis to about lvl 5 I went off to Starbreeze village and killed all there but the respawn wasn't fast enough. Thankfully I lucked upon the furlbog camp at around 68,53. Somehow one of my hunters went off follow and dropped behind and then I noticed my other lowbie was getting full xp for all the pet kills.

The respawn rate was unreal. You are literally hitting send pet, shoot, send pet shoot non-stop or vice-versa depending on how near the mob is. I checked my xp per hour and I was getting between 30k and 40k per hour (50 to 60 xp every 6 seconds is about right)!! I recall getting about 25k (50k with rested) per hour as a mid level 50 solo grinding rep in Felwood. I should also mention that my other lowbie had since died and I rezzed her about 1/4 to 1/3 of the map away and my 'main' lowbie was still getting full xp.

Incidentally my experience with the mages is pretty mixed. PVE is great but it's quite difficult to avoid doing the collection quests without substituting pure grinding to make up the loss in xp. PVP is not so great but I'm putting it down to lack of experience playing a mage/playing mages/boxing and also they aren't twinked at all because I intend going to 70/80 with them.

Edit: 7hours 30 mins to lvl 20 with this method. You can probably take an hour or 2 off for setup and general messing around too. I kept my other lowbie (still lvl 5) in the same zone although I don't even know if this was necessary for it to work.

Update: (yeah I'm obsessed :P ) 4hrs 59 mins to lvl 20 with rogue + pet.

01-14-2008, 06:57 PM
TBH, I didn't really find this guide very helpful. I came hoping to get some information about the different combinations for dual boxing (non carebear), specifically strengths/weaknesses of the various combinations. Basically all it is is a list of every possible combination with a 1 line description saying what form/build you use.

I'd be great is someone could elaborate on strategy/build/strengths/weaknesses of the various combinations. I think it would also be beneficial to narrow down the combinations a lot. I'm sure there are people out there with experience that could identify maybe the top 10 combinations and elaborate more on them.

01-14-2008, 07:02 PM
Gonna have to agree, most of what's said is pretty common sense and doesn't go into builds, just basic tactics (so according to this guide, with two classes, I should only need 2 buttons right? wrong...)

Aaaanyway, the problem with mega-class guides (or even harder with dual-boxing class guides) is you need someone who's played every class 1-70 (or at least 1-60)...and that's rare. But maybe there are people here who played with a buddy 1-60 and can comment....

01-14-2008, 09:33 PM
I've tried the 2 lowbie partied and 1 high level trick and can say it's jaw droppingly good. I have a 70 NE hunter and just started to box 3 undead mages recently so I thought I'd give it a go.

I created 2 new NE hunters and partied up. Worked like a charm. The humanoid camps (Furries + Gelkis) respawn so fast that you basically stand in one spot with your lowbie and tag + send high level pet. After killing gelkis to about lvl 5 I went off to Starbreeze village and killed all there but the respawn wasn't fast enough. Thankfully I lucked upon the furlbog camp at around 68,53. Somehow one of my hunters went off follow and dropped behind and then I noticed my other lowbie was getting full xp for all the pet kills.

The respawn rate was unreal. You are literally hitting send pet, shoot, send pet shoot non-stop or vice-versa depending on how near the mob is. I checked my xp per hour and I was getting between 30k and 40k per hour (50 to 60 xp every 6 seconds is about right)!! I recall getting about 25k (50k with rested) per hour as a mid level 50 solo grinding rep in Felwood. I should also mention that my other lowbie had since died and I rezzed her about 1/4 to 1/3 of the map away and my 'main' lowbie was still getting full xp.

Incidentally my experience with the mages is pretty mixed. PVE is great but it's quite difficult to avoid doing the collection quests without substituting pure grinding to make up the loss in xp. PVP is not so great but I'm putting it down to lack of experience playing a mage/playing mages/boxing and also they aren't twinked at all because I intend going to 70/80 with them.

Edit: 7hours 30 mins to lvl 20 with this method. You can probably take an hour or 2 off for setup and general messing around too. I kept my other lowbie (still lvl 5) in the same zone although I don't even know if this was necessary for it to work.

Update: (yeah I'm obsessed :P ) 4hrs 59 mins to lvl 20 with rogue + pet.

Nice, 5 hours to level 20?

So what you're saying is:

2 grouped Lowbies, tagging mobs "yellow" mobs con.
Then having your high level Hunter's pet kill the lowbie's target?

I wonder what the path of kills are for the Horde side.

01-15-2008, 01:25 PM
Great thread and site!

I currently have 2 accounts, first has 70 Warlock and Priest, 62 Rogue, 59 Warrior and 24 Shaman. Second account has 60 Warrior, 55 Druid, 40 Warlock and 19 Mage.

I am new to this, so I figured best way to start would to have the 70 priest follow a toon from other account (ungrouped), and bind some keys to cast heals and buffs? I would get full exp with no downtime, especially with a melee lowbie.

Another question.. will the keyclone software run on Vista x64?

01-16-2008, 05:47 AM
I am new to this, so I figured best way to start would to have the 70 priest follow a toon from other account (ungrouped), and bind some keys to cast heals and buffs? I would get full exp with no downtime, especially with a melee lowbie.

This would work, grinding Yellow mobs is probably your best bet.

Another question.. will the keyclone software run on Vista x64?


01-16-2008, 08:46 AM
Tried it out last night with hotkeynet.. had my 55 druid follow my 24 shaman.. wow.. very nice.. nearly limitless grinding.. bag space will be an issue lol

01-18-2008, 01:39 AM
im running my 50pali alt thru zf with my mage. able to grp 10-12 mobs at once then aoe em down without heals, tho its there if needed. only down half mana and hp. each kill gets the alt about 100xp. ZF is nice cause the mobs arent too far apart, and your alt has a good chance of surviving if they start wailing on him (which shouldnt happen too often if you use arc exp). once u clear zf, u reset it for instant respawn. tried brd, but the mobs were tough enough that i coud only go for 5-6 at a time, though usually down abut 85% mana and hp, requiring more time to drink and eat.

this is my second day of dual-boxing, so im looking forward to tryin out more spots. im gonna break out my old mage AOE grind list, see if anything else might work, tho I dont suppose the alt is going to get much xp from non-elites. im also levelin a priest, want to see what kind of exp i can get him from runnnin him through VC with my mage as soon as he is hi enough.

going to try scholomance and strat, see what kind of exp the alt gets in there. not a big fan of sunken temple so im probably gonna skip trying that place out.

02-13-2008, 12:18 PM
this is my first post on this site but i will try to post more i have been duel boxing two accounts of wow for about 3 months now. i started off with my lvl 70 ne hunter, i created a human mage at lvl 10 i started runnig her throough vc (dead mines) i personal like useing a hunter in duel boxing. i think they are great for it in one fact the pet keeps you and the low lvl toon away from the fight . i have had the same luck with the pally and the loc i have started . and yes the loc would be great to use also soul stone would come in handy. but if you run the instance or the qst right you should never die.

02-15-2008, 10:55 AM
Some one said Pizza :P

02-15-2008, 02:42 PM
I only box 2 atm.

I have Twins HE Hunter one mark and beast on PVP. Nothing can really touch me and other players dont mess with me very much unless they want to get owned.

Its a lot of fun to play 2 Hunters

02-26-2008, 07:42 PM
I am new to this Forum, and wanted to share my experience multi-boxing.
I have been casually 2 boxing for a while with 2 machines between 3 different accounts.

My main is a 70 Orc Hunter, 4/5 T4. I use him for a lot of different things:
1. Raiding
2. Farming
3. I used him to help level my Holy Priest from 60-70 through quests
4. Dragging lowbie toons through instances

I have currently a 49 Warrior, 32 Druid, 32 Mage. I got those toons to 20 by "conventional" methods (i.e. questing), then I just instance level them. I put the alt on auto-follow and the Hunter does all the killing. As some have pointed out, this does not give max xp to the alt, but my Hunter can solo through everything up to and including Ramparts. Hunters are great for this purpose, since they are ranged and have a pet, rarely if ever does a mob aggro my alt, even if the alts are 10 levels below the elite mobs. A standard run through SM or ZF is only about an hour to an hour and a half, Mara or ST is longer, and typically in that time I can go through most, if not all the rested xp on the alt. That is about 1.5 to 2 levels a day rested. I find this to be an effective and efficient way to level my alts, considering that I am a rather casual player, only playing about 10-15 hours a week.

I want to start 3 boxing, starting fresh and leveling all 3 toons together. I am curious as to some effective combos of toons. I am primarily PVE, and rarely BG. I am considering Paladin/Druid/Mage - lots of buffs, dps, heals and tanking abilities. Any thoughts?

All in all, I really enjoy multi-boxing, it has added to my enjoyment of WoW immensely.

03-17-2008, 04:05 PM
ahhhh .......Everquest...East Commonlands.....those were the days. when you could take your lvl 5 Druid get a Hand of Virtue and a C3 cast on you and you could own the entire zone for like 2 hours.....

That was loads of fun

03-26-2008, 11:08 PM
The pet killing method is a great little trick. Anyone know if its possible to make a macro that can kill tagged mobs in ranged? It would make it easier but if not then i guess its not a biggy. thanks

03-27-2008, 06:18 PM
I beleive towing alts is the fastest method for lvling. One thing i liked to do wth sm was to pull the first courtyard and hallway...now if you seed all the mobs just right you make your warlock run out of the instance. The seeds explode and you get the full effect of xp -higher level being present. As fast as this was i could not guarantee it everytime and i found myself running my lowbie back a lot.

03-28-2008, 09:29 AM
dun k if this was already said, but....

OK, so consider i have a lvl 70 huntard on one account. And now i want a palla, but im
sick of hand-lvling, im sick of botting, and hand-leveling even ret pallas are a pain in the four-dollarsign-dollarsign. so,
i decide to "dual-box". basicly, just hand-lvl my pala to lvl 10 or so,
then start using dual-boxing to get him up levels rly fast - just get
on one wow account with the pala, leave him at the entrance to some
instance of his level. then log on to another account with the 70
huntard, group up with the pala and just do large pulls of elites to
him and kill them with my 70 hunt. lots of exp, great gear, pala just
sits there and watches the laggy action and doesnt get agro! AND i dont
need to set up any macros for multiboxing, dont need any skill, just
lots of fast and easy XP (also money if i get enchanting up on my
huntard or pala).

Now the question: does this work at all? i havent tried multiboxing
yet... plz halp. and i have 1 monitor, a great comp. thanks and sry for
my teenage 1337 talk, i can do much worse though lol

03-28-2008, 10:55 AM
setting up and playing on private servers is considered federal crime...just so you know

03-28-2008, 02:58 PM
setting up and playing on private servers is considered federal crime...just so you knowwhat do private servers have to do with power leveling?

anyway, crime or not, no one would know if you ran a private server because it would be private unless you let other people access it.

03-30-2008, 09:34 AM
Botting... Private Server discussion... sigh

As if we legitimate multi-boxers don't already have enough of an uphill battle to fight with community relations.

Do us a favour and GTFO of our house.

03-31-2008, 02:36 AM
???? wtf
im aware that multiboxing is legal and all, if you use the
programs and stuff that ARE considered legal, i think i saw a list like
that in one sticky thread. but my question was - would what i said
earlier in my post work on one computer and be efficient? thanks


http://img338.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wowscrnshot022208130627ir2.jpg ('http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/interceptor.html?interceptedURL=http://img338.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wowscrnshot022208130627ir2.jpg')
- i was inspired by this, he uses his 70 mage to run his own alt mage
(lvl 31) and some friends for very fast lvling! i want to try something
like this

03-31-2008, 07:21 AM
You could use your 70 to level up and Alt yes, it would work and would be fairly easy to achieve.

04-01-2008, 12:12 AM
Hi all,

Lowbie Powerleveling: 1 -> 22

here's my 2 cents worth. I'm definitely not an expert, but this is what i experienced playing around with power leveling a new set of toons. I ended up changing servers/factions before getting too far. This was done a few months ago, so i can't remember specific times unfortunately.

I hadn't played more than a few months of casual WoW, it didn't grab me until I saw some of Xzin's "work", then decided to give it a go. I'd tried most classes to about level 15, liked hunters and thought, cool, I'll run hunters. A gloss over the web indicated hunters were fast to level. I ended up with 3 level 70 hunters and got to know Horde quest lines and the game in general. Still a newbie tho.

Needless to say, 3 hunters, with no tank and no healer don't get far in the PvE world, I looked around at how i could level some alts. The first thing i noticed with a level 70 trying to power level a level 1, is finding mobs to kill fast enough. You can't. So I ended up in instances, the one place you can run around and pull a whole lot and the one place that has a garunteed mob population.

Starting setup:
- 1 level 70 hunter, blue gear (epics are expensive to repair) ... stam +AP
- anyone else x4
- horde
- familiarity with the quests
- pet with dash and cobra reflexes

Phase One (1-11):
Basically getting ready for RFC. This isn't especially fast, but lots of good rep. Chance to get flight paths, etc.
- quests in durotar and another zone (i used undead, but not important)
- almost no collection quests done, ie. don't pick up 5 of anything
- aspect of the pack
- running, lots of running
- hunter will be one shotting everything

Phase Two: (12-17):
RFC .. run forest crun

Basically, you do the following, in different parts of the instance.

Part 1:
- run down to the bridge killing a dozen or so mobs
- stop just before the lowbies would pull the first pair of guards
- leave lowbies back just in xp range
- make sure pet has Dash and Growl on, everything else off
- stand on the left side and look over the edge and back behind the lowbies
- attack furthest away mob pet will attack
- while he's running, target another mob as far down the end as you can
- wait for the pet to hit the first target, send it after the second target
- (optionally) repeat on a third target on the right hand side of the bridge down below
- set explosive trap and feign death
- call pet back and set on passive

Having made friends, most of the mobs will come say hi. It won't take long to figure out how to get them all to join in. While they are patting your pet, scratching behind it's ears and stuff, your explosive trap will be earning a bit of XP. Once they're all there you can let your pet scratch back.

As soon as the trap cooldown is up, re apply it and loose some gold as your armour gets a few scratches of it's own.

Only danger is using FD and having aggro go to the lowbies. Doesn't take long to get your head around it.

Now move further in doing it again...

Part 2:
- clear to the boulder elementals then pull that room using the pet
- i was making sure the pet got a hit on EVERY target in here
- set trap, pull pet back, fd, etc...

Part 3:
- same again in the area with the first boss in the middle of 4 bridges
- pull well back because of the pats aggroing onto the lowbies
- make sure your graphics is drawing as far as possible away
- stand on the edge of the bridges and get your pet to pull as much as is useful
- explosive trap/fd/etc

Part 4:
- you can get the next two bosses
- top one targetable without having to go up the ramp
- CAREFUL .. get too far away from your pet and he despawns

For the fastest xp, repeat Part 1 over and over, don't even go in further. Only problem is you'll quickly use up the number of instances you are allowed to reset in an hour.

Was leveling every 10-15 minutes from memory (bit longer when going further in).

Phase Three: (17+):
Wailing Caverns

Rinse and repeat of the above. The first room is basically a loop. You pet can run around and pull 90% of the mobs in a few minutes with Dash. Explosive trap, kaboom, run out, reset, repeat. Maybe 15-20 minutes per level. But in that 15-20 minutes you could reach your hourly limit. You can go in further, but there is nothing else in WC like that first room.

From vague memory, the played time to 20 was around 12 hours, but most of that was the initial questing and exploration. Might have been a bit quicker tho. It was definitely low stress: pet holds aggro, and once you get used to it you know when not to feign death, so lowbies never get attacked.

For a better setup, I'd suggest enough survival to maximise your trap damage. If spell damage effects traps (and volley) .. well, it could get even easier.

What about beyond level 22? I don't think it scales well. Healing, fear and cc mobs add up when you pull 30 of them. Also much better if there are open rooms full of melee mobs. Maybe SM graveyard.

So if you have access to a hunter, RFC and WC, 12->22 can be a breeze in terms of effort and time. It's fastest if you only hit the first rooms in each instance, but you need something else to go do while your instances/per hour is on cooldown. Personally, the barrens is so full of quests I'd just mix it in.

There are so many level 70 hunters out there, hopefully this helps someone.

04-04-2008, 01:41 PM
Ok so i play alliance.

I have a 27lvl pally that i have mostly power leveled.
Since i have two accounts and ones a frost mage i find this fun.

Get toon up to 10. Get buffs if at all possible they will help you kill faster.

1. For speed..ie getting from one place to another. I have a lvl 63 hunter who i used for just moving around. Walking sucks. he is only grouped for long distances.
2. Dead mines require level 10. You will aggro ALLOT. Get mage to kill everything (grouped on follow) and get into the instance. Stick toon at beginning of instance and have mage pull all the way to the first door (ie hobbs (see wowhobbs on youtube) way of pulling) and back to alt. With a frost mage you can throw up your ice barrier and pretty much pull everything from the first door back. Get it to you frost nova > cone of cold > arcane explosion till dead. Drink ...oh dont forget this..KILL PATS..then pull next room. As a prot pally (Hobbs) you could pull the whole ship plus Mr Smite. As a mage when he stuns (i dont have epic gear..just 380plus damage i think) it can hurt. But after killing him you can pull the rest of the boat in one pull. I will frost nova here and there to get them off of me. And when i pull van cleef i actually jump off the ship and heal with bandages and use a mana gem. That way im full up to kill the entire ship in one shot.
3. Stockades.
a. Pull middle corridor and kill em.
b. Pull left corridor (facing from entrance) and kill em.
c. When pulling the right corridor there are allot of mobs that stun pretty consistently. This can kill ya (or me at least) so i pull 2 or 3 rooms at a time. And save the last room for last. All in all its pretty quick and you can continue to reset the instance over and over probably about 4 times an hour. If you want to triple box you could have two alts running at the same time and actually get more xp for each.

One of the best things about doing it this way is that you can DE everything that doesnt sell well and get a METRIC TON of cloth to put on the AH that will net you about 1 gold per stack of wool and less for linen. You can also get a nice blue here and there that can make about 30 gold or more in the AH. I havent tried to pull SM with the mage. I am kinda nervous to do that with all the casters.

A pally can do all the stuff i do BETTER if setup to AOE. That is why I am working up my pally. I am considering setting up one more account so i can do a 2xloc (or mage) with a pally/priest healing them.
I use two pcs.

On a side note...since i blew through a lot of levels without doing quests i took my NE hunter to kill stuff (grouped) i got for quests. While i get very little xp for killing the mobs...I get NICE xp for the quests that don't take me that long to blow through.

added by edit / if you really like to work dps characters up have a druid (i have a lvl 70 whos not set for healing) throw hots on them before the fight. It makes it kinda silly. :P

Thanks for listening.


04-06-2008, 10:46 AM
Ok so now i have another problem.... if you would please, check out my 2 posts at the end of the previous page before reading this:

Can this work with 1 and only 1 official EU account? Considering i will ONLY dual-box, NOT more than 2 chars at a time. Just that i can't afford paying for two official accounts at a time... very expensive, 2 boxes of the game and > $30 is just a no-no to my parents... <.< (q ;_;)> will i ever multibox?

04-07-2008, 09:24 AM
You have to have two running active accounts to dual box. You can only log into wow once per account so a minimum of two is necessary.

04-07-2008, 12:43 PM
So basically you have to be rich to multibox 5 chars at a time? (5 boxes of the game, >$75 per month for 5 acc's, good computer(s)/5-6 monitors)

04-09-2008, 12:06 PM
So basically you have to be rich to multibox 5 chars at a time? (5 boxes of the game, >$75 per month for 5 acc's, good computer(s)/5-6 monitors)

Start enjoying Top Ramen or Microwave Burritos.

Fast Food:
30 days x $5/meal x 3 meals/day = $450 /month

Top Ramen/Microwave Burritos:
30 days x $1/meal x 3 meals/day = $90 /month

Savings = $360 /month

There. You can have 5 accounts and still have some money left over to splurge at MickyD's a few times a month.

04-09-2008, 03:06 PM
So basically you have to be rich to multibox 5 chars at a time? (5 boxes of the game, >$75 per month for 5 acc's, good computer(s)/5-6 monitors)

Start enjoying Top Ramen or Microwave Burritos.

Fast Food:
30 days x $5/meal x 3 meals/day = $450 /month

Top Ramen/Microwave Burritos:
30 days x $1/meal x 3 meals/day = $90 /month

Savings = $360 /month

There. You can have 5 accounts and still have some money left over to splurge at MickyD's a few times a month.Taking my GF out to dinner once a week - $125.00 for the night

5 boxing WoW is the cheapest of my hobbies.

04-09-2008, 03:19 PM
Taking my GF out to dinner once a week - $125.00 for the night

5 boxing WoW is the cheapest of my hobbies.Or, have a wife that likes designer shoes. That ('http://www.jimmychoo.com/pws/ProductDetails.ice?ProductID=50440') gets much more expensive that having 5 WoW Accounts.

04-17-2008, 03:03 AM
I just wanted to say thank you to the OP for the information regarding viable class combos. I was trying to use a hunter and a shaman, and was extremely frustrated because I didn't want the shaman to be a ranged caster. Your guide convinced me that it was a terrible combination to try ranged and melee at the same time...and you were right. I now have a paladin/warrior combo that works well, and the shaman/warrior will no doubt be just as effective.

I appreciate the time you took to explain everything - it made a big difference to me.

05-05-2008, 03:14 AM
Hi all,

Lowbie Powerleveling: 1 -> 22


For the fastest xp, repeat Part 1 over and over, don't even go in further. Only problem is you'll quickly use up the number of instances you are allowed to reset in an hour.

Was leveling every 10-15 minutes from memory (bit longer when going further in).
I'm confused: were you zoning out your hunter, or do the lowbies get full XP if hunter is FD, even though he's in the group? Or was it that fast even being grouped with a 70?

05-17-2008, 01:25 PM
How would 2x hunters and a pala work out? Pala being purely support.Actually, I'm using 1X MM Hunter w/ cat for DPS, 1X Prot Paladin for support and tanking. It was awkward at first until I figured out the range I needed to attack with the pally from to keep the hunter able to use a bow. The pally has died 3 times, the pet 2, and a full wipe only once. We leveled from the beginning to now at 18. We are BE's, and just completed the the first part of Deathholme, next to be doing the lieutenants/captives, then we will do Dark'han. I'll let you know how it goes (I'm on Terrokar). So far, we are just about indestructible unless I don't pay attention. The one time we wiped was confronting Zul'Grash (lvl 20) at level 16, and that was because the pet ran off (I must have targetted the wrong thing) leaving the two of us behind, and when I tried to fix it with much alt tabbing, the pet had already fought Zul'Gorash alone and died. 3 Adds got the paladin while I was trying to kill Zul'Gorash, and with 4 on 1, the hunter pretty much stood no chance lol.

As long as there are no accidents (and even with a few), we just plain do not die. I'll let you know how it goes later on :). It is kind of tricky, but even against the advice here I wanted to use this combination. I know both classes well, so that probably makes a difference, too. I know that a MM Hunter can just about solo instances, and a Prot Paladin can survive a serious beating without too much attention and can throw in a heal or two when needed - that's why I picked these two classes because I am curious to see if we can solo instances. I may try Wailing Caverns today with these guys, but it has been very easy to do the BE area since I've already done it with both these classes a few times and know what level I need to be and the enemies we will face.

EDIT: Oh wait, the Hunter has actually died twice. It was when we were just starting out. We did the quest where you retrieve the Arcanist's journal from under the bridge. I forgot the Hunter while the pally turned the quest in, and she drowned because I forgot to make her follow out of the water lol. That was actually kind of funny, and I was glad no one was around to see me stupidly drowning my poor character.

05-17-2008, 01:45 PM
I just wanted to say thank you to the OP for the information regarding viable class combos. I was trying to use a hunter and a shaman, and was extremely frustrated because I didn't want the shaman to be a ranged caster. Your guide convinced me that it was a terrible combination to try ranged and melee at the same time...and you were right. I now have a paladin/warrior combo that works well, and the shaman/warrior will no doubt be just as effective.

I appreciate the time you took to explain everything - it made a big difference to me.

And in response to my earlier post, the explanation was helpful, and it was easier to use a caster and a melee, but that really wasn't what I wanted to do :D. I tried pal/war on Alliance side, which I am not as familiar with (okay, I wasn't familiar with it at all lol) and it worked out, but I really wanted a Prot Paladin and MM Hunter. I use AutoHotKey on one box, and it requires a lot of attention, but now that I've gotten used to the need to manage two different sets of attacks it is a good pairing. The synergy between a defensive buffer and two DPS (cat + MM) is strong - mostly the cat tanks with me throwing judgements and heals, while the hunter absolutely destroys the targets from afar. With Righteous Fury active, either the cat or me always has aggro so the Hunter is free to wail on the enemy. If things get out of control, a quick cast of righteous defense, and the enemies go right back to hitting the paladin while the cat and hunter mop up :)

05-17-2008, 02:05 PM

Aspiring multiboxer here. I was looking at the original post and have some questions on the whole 'carebear' method for some people who use it. I don't plan on doing multiple characters from level one right (such as x5 shamans, etc.) but I have a druid that I would like to powerlevel through quests with my 70 paladin that is on a different account. I figure stuff like Consecration, etc. for grind quests will help greatly.

Seeing as how in 2.3 the XP changes to leveling were changed for the better, how well does running a 70 and a lowbie through quests work? Is it okay to group them considering XP will probably be nerfed a bit per kill either grouped or not?


05-23-2008, 06:58 AM
Hrm - this may have been changed in more recent patches but to easily get a few levels on a new character you used be able to:

Return silithus dust to the converter - requires a high level chaperone to keep all the bugs off you.
'Tag' three ridiculously high level mobs for your char (i.e. a level 5 tagging three lvl 15's). Have an un-grouped paladin with retribution aura turned on taunt the mobs off you but now no 'active' damage. Used to be that since the damage was reactive rather then active that the exp penalty wasn't applied.
Avoid un-necessary collection quests and cycle from zone to zone. By this I mean do ALL of the quests in the starter area until you get to level 10 - this should exhaust most of the quests in that start region so go to the end of another races starting area - once again avoid collections quest unless they're part of a chain that's worthwhile. Personal experience of this had me levelling about 15-20% faster - then again I had a warlock ready each time to summon the low level char to the next 'quest rich' area.

05-23-2008, 07:55 AM
Not adding anything to the discussion here but for the record, I've been running my team through instances with a 70 rogue since level 8. No tricks, just group up, clear, reset and redo.

I did RFC from 8 until 10 and SFK from 10-18. I consistently got two levels per three runs through to about level 16 but it seems to be slowing up now.

As I've now done the SFK quests and I've farmed all the gear I can, I was going to move to RFK for a couple of levels before hitting SM but as I'm only two SFK runs off 20, I'll stay where I am because the time it takes to get from SFK to RFK and back is about as long as it would take me to run the instances.

06-09-2008, 04:07 AM
I recently started a lock/paly team and basically atm (lvl 17), I pulled with corruption, then immulate, tag imp onto target then switch to new target, repeat. I put paly on follow with defensive aura and is just there to support/heal. Works pretty well so far. Not sure about high lvl areas but i'm liking it. ;)

07-01-2008, 07:20 PM
So after reading this thread and finding out the full XP method inolving an Ungrouped high lvl Lock bpet to kill mobs I was wondering.

Where would I take my 5 lvl 20 shamans to grind this way with My lock? Instances are out obviously because The Lock is not in the group, plus My party would be full anyway I have 5 lowbies.

Is there an Area anyone could let me know of that would be a good spot to Grind at? I was thinking something like the area outside of ZF with all those elite trolls. Only lower lvls :S

07-02-2008, 09:26 PM
Hello everyone. First post here, but I did search around for an answer before posting so hopefully I didn't miss something.

I'm wondering about the viability of a moonkin druid 2-3 box. I'm just looking to add a bit of excitement to the leveling process, or possibly a full 5 (4 moonkins and a resto) for PvP. They would seem to have high mobility, healing, and pack quite a punch with machinegun moonfires, and multiple cyclones and roots.

I've not done a huge amount of macroing in wow, but it seems as though you could make it so that in pvp, the 4 followers would cyclone everyone but the main focus for incredible CC, then moonfire the main target at will, using a cast sequence.

Thanks in advance for your input. Looking forward to the responses.

07-03-2008, 08:55 AM
ahhhh .......Everquest...East Commonlands.....those were the days. when you could take your lvl 5 Druid get a Hand of Virtue and a C3 cast on you and you could own the entire zone for like 2 hours.....

That was loads of funDruids were sick for powerleveling in EQ. Hit your lowbie with every buff you can, including high level damage shield and high level regen, and send him in to slaughter stuff. So long as he could do a single point of damage to a mob, he got the exp for it. You could hit all of the spots where there were good experience bonuses (EQ is not like WoW, in that every level X mob gives Y exp) and level extremely fast (comparatively so, anyway).

There were some zones where a character could level in just 5 or 6 kills. Of course, later levels made up for this big time. :P

09-29-2008, 04:57 PM
Any specific reason as to why you say avoid Hunter & Rogue. I'd imagine that it'd be quite quick, no?

11-10-2008, 08:24 PM
Very nice guide for someone new to multiboxing in WOW. I used to do multibox in EQ all the time. One quick question though. Is it easier if using the Keyclone program to make both chars. the same class? Like two mages, two druids, two hunters,...etc...?