View Full Version : Has anyone got the Belkin N52TE to work on Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit yet?

09-03-2010, 08:56 PM
I searched the forums here, and got the impression some of you have. But doing a google search, I can't seem to find any driver that will work.

Any suggestions or leads would be Great my friends.

Thanks ahead of time.


09-03-2010, 09:57 PM
I'm using Win7 x64 Ultimate and my Belkin drivers installed automatic after reboot. Then I just installed the program to configure it.

09-03-2010, 10:12 PM
I'll be darned. I'll work with it some more tonight then. I could get the program to show, and even see the drivers, but no amount of button presses seemed to work. Even in Notepad, Nothing would go off.

At least I know it's possible though, so thanks Sonic.


09-04-2010, 04:39 AM
Hmm, still no luck at all.

The thing lights up, and I've tried The Drivers mentioned in another thread. v.1.0.1.

but no key press seems to go through.

Running the Configurator as Admin also, tried Compat modes for XP SP3 and Vista SP2

Any other ideas ?


09-04-2010, 09:27 AM
I'm sorry that I'm not much help but I plugged mine in, ran the CD and went. Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.

09-04-2010, 10:08 AM
I searched the forums here, and got the impression some of you have. But doing a google search, I can't seem to find any driver that will work.

Any suggestions or leads would be Great my friends.

Thanks ahead of time.



09-04-2010, 10:59 AM
Thanks guys.

I'll give it a shot.


09-27-2010, 01:23 PM
I am running a belkin but ever since I upgraded our 4 pc's to windows 7 it freezes alot

09-27-2010, 03:15 PM
I never could get it to work at all. No button press would register, in note pad, or anything. I could go in and alter the buttons via there control panel proggy thing, so It was seeing it. but nothing out of the controler itself.

I'll throw together an XP machine soon, and test it out on that, If it doesn't work, then I imagine I burned out the USB controller in it.


09-28-2010, 05:56 PM
I had it working on win7 64bit but it was temperamental, sometimes I would boot and it wasn't working or in fact picked up.

Got ticked off with having to reboot my pc to get it to work so bought a G13 which had been a fantastic upgrade and works perfectly with Win7.

09-28-2010, 08:33 PM
I've often thought about grabbing the G13 myself, I've heard nothing but praise for it.

I recently bought a Warboard (cybersnipa), just for the 20 extra keys. I use the ten on the left for heals, and the ten on the right for misc.

For example, I'll have M-1 set for Alt-shift-1 and then set a macro up in game like.
/castsequence target=tankypoo Chain heal, Lesser healingwave, Healing wave etc. etc.

Then have it on round robin, so if I need more, it goes to the next caster etc.

Then I can switch up heals, like on M2 have Greater heals cast first, etc.

Usually though, The chain heal on round robin works fine with my 4 ele.

Or in the case of Pallys, I use them for when art of war procs. one will heal the tank, the other heals themselves.

The only draw back I have to this my friends, Is I miss the old days, of sitting back, in my recliner, N52 on my chest with one hand, Mouse in the other, and not having to sit up.

Maybe it's for the best though, cattle season has been slow, and I'm getting the Cap.t Kirk gut in my old age.


09-29-2010, 02:50 AM
my N32 works fine on windows 7 using standard drivers

09-29-2010, 03:05 AM
Yep, my son uses that one also, and it works fine.

Shoot, even the old N52 itself works fine. It's just the N52te that is giving us fits. Well some of us. Oh well, one of these years Belkin might release drivers that work for it that are signed off. LOL

I'm just happy some people here can get theirs to work.


02-10-2011, 05:35 PM
all you have to do is download the older driver for windows xp vista 1.02 i think is the number dont download thew updater or the firmware thing works fine witht his driver i had the same problem fixed it by using this dfriver

02-23-2011, 10:25 AM
I own three of the older N50s. When I upgraded to Vista I had to use a registry hack to get it to work. When I upgraded to windows 7 I did not need the registry hack. The directional thumbpad on the n50s is pure genius and I cannot play without. AA few months ago I picked up a G13. While it has more keys than the n50 I just couldnt get past the thumbstick. The G13 uses a thumbstick which is constantly resisting your thumb always trying to go back to the center position. I used it for 40 hours before I went back to the more comfortable nostromo n50.

Here is the registry hack http://www.sevenforums.com/gaming/10179-nostromo-n50-speedpad-3.html

02-23-2011, 10:40 AM
a G13 which had been a fantastic upgrade and works perfectly with Win7.

I was going to suggest the exact same thing. A really significant upgrade.